Roorkee: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee has released PhD Admission Notification for Autumn Semester 2018-19. The PhD Admission is available in the following categories: Full-time Research student/Candidate and Part-time Research Student/ Candidate. The Institute Assistantship will be provided to Full Time Regular candidates.
Key Dates: The closing date for online submission of application is 20 March 2018. The closing date for submission of duly filled-in Application form (Hard Copy) with appropriate enclosures must be sent by Post /courier or handed over on or before 26 March 2018 up to 5:30 p.m.
Name of Departments / Centres of IIT Roorkee
Roorkee Campus
Alternate Hydro Energy Centre (AHC)
Hydrology (HYD)
Architecture and Planning (ARD)
Management Studies (DBM)
Biotechnology (BTD)
Mathematics (MAD)
Civil Engineering (CED)
Mechanical and Industrial Engg. (MED)
Chemical Engineering (CHD)
Metallurgical and Materials Engg. (MTD)
Chemistry (CYD)
Physics (PHD)
Computer Science & Engineering (CSD)
Water Resources Development and Management (WRD)
Electronics and Communication Engg. (ECD)
Institute Instrumentation Centre (IIC)
Earthquake Engineering (EQD)
Centre for Transportation Systems (TSC)
Earth Sciences (ESD)
Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management (TSC)
Electrical Engineering (EED)
Centre for Nanotechnology (NTC)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSD)
Saharanpur Campus (IIT Roorkee)
Applied Science & Engineering (ASE)
Polymer & Process Engineering (PPE)
Paper Technology (PPD)
For further details about eligibility conditions, how to apply and other details, the candidates should refer the Admission Notification, uploaded on the official website of IIT Roorkee.