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10 Reasons to Use Video for Education

By   /  September 15, 2020  /  Comments Off on 10 Reasons to Use Video for Education

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Introduction to Digital Education

Education is undoubtedly an essential aspect of one’s life. The importance can be perceived by this quote by Malcolm X, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

In simpler words, education gives people the ability to learn from their experiences and creates different perspectives. With the widespread use of technology, the methods of education have evolved. The use of videos, animation, music, and other mediums of technology has led to the rise of digital education. With the world battling the pandemic where the educational institutes are shut, digital education’s prominence has risen several folds.

Are Videos Important?

Whether you consider classroom education or a digital one, one thing that cannot be denied is the effectiveness of videos in learning. In 2015, more than 93% of educators agreed that using videos enhances the learning experience. In fact, 92% of millennial students prefer learning through videos.

Videos make the process of learning interactive and engaging.   They also encourage students to recall and remember the lessons quickly. Most importantly, videos have led to the rise of digital literacy, an essential prerequisite of the 21st century. Every learner should have the capacity to create and use an online video editor. Creating content is an essential skill in digital literacy.

Reasons to Use Videos for Education

Here are the reasons why you must use video for education:

Engagement –

Visual stimulation allows learners to watch and listen to the concepts which they are taught. Video also allows a practical demonstration. This enables the students to process the lessons much faster and easier, just like processing daily interactions.

Grabs Attention

While learning concepts, the biggest hurdle arises when theories are not relatable to the learners. In such cases, it becomes challenging for them to imagine the situation as they have no experience of it. This is even applicable to complex topics. Ultimately, all of this makes the lessons feel boring or dull.

However, if the same thing is being shown to them through a video, where the complicated problems are broken down in a step-by-step manner, the understanding enhances. The visual stimulations enable the students to visualize and comprehend the lessons. This automatically grabs their attention and allows them to grasp concepts better.

Learn Anywhere, Anytime

All you require for video education is a steady internet connection! This will allow you to access education anywhere, through any device including desktops, laptops, tablets, or mobile phones. This flexibility allows the students to learn from any place they want and at any time.

Knowledge Retention

Many students spend hours learning concepts. Yet, after a while, they are unable to retain them. Videos have resulted in better knowledge retention because they can be repeated several times.   You can play the video even months after the concept was taught. This revision creates larger memory imprints on the mind and allows better knowledge retention.

Increase in Digital Literacy

In the 21st century, digital literacy is needed for almost every job. Therefore, the more the students are comfortable with it, the more confident and effective they will be. Students should learn how to create a video, edit, and deploy content as these are invaluable skills.

Enhances Interest

Videos help students understand better which boosts the collective interest. The more a class is engaged, the easier it is for a teacher to share their knowledge. Moreover,  students will grasp and remember the lessons—a win-win for both the parties involved.

Promotes Discussion

Videos allow teachers to skip, replay, or pause the videos when needed. This flexibility allows them to instigate active discussions and debates. This leads to a better understanding of the subject.

Remote Learning 

Whether it’s the teacher or student who is stuck in a remote area,  videos and an internet connection will allow the educator to impart their knowledge to a student sitting at the opposite end of the world. Distance is no longer a barrier to videos.

Analytics Features

From attendance to student engagement, you can get all these reports with a single click with analytics features. Some platforms even provide details as to how long the video was viewed. This will allow tutors to understand their teaching methods and where they can improve.

Fun and yet detailed explanation.

 Using an online slideshow maker, teachers can create funny and interactive videos. These videos will allow learners to have fun while learning. Moreover, these explanations can be as detailed as possible without being boring.

Benefits of Videos for Institutions
Videos are beneficial to institutions. With the help of videos and social media, institutes can reach a wider audience and enhance the brand. This can be achieved by posting videos on the institute’s official website or social media pages.

Further, videos have made distant learning a possibility. With videos, institutions can offer online courses.  Thus, they can turn into online universities. This allows the institutes to provide education to students who are unable to attend physically. Thus, they can expand their business.

One must indeed invest in creating video content. It is evident from reports and facts that the returns are significant. So, if you’re a student who wants to understand better, opt for videos. If you’re a teacher who wants to enhance the teaching experience, opt for videos. Irrespective of who you are, videos are the solution for a better educational experience.

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