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Helping Your Child See and Show Mathematical Ideas

By   /  March 16, 2023  /  Comments Off on Helping Your Child See and Show Mathematical Ideas

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Children are very observant and use their eyes to see things as they learn. They are also eager to show things they learn, especially to their peers, teachers, and parents. Both teachers and parents can take advantage of this and help them to see and show mathematical ideas. This is a great sign that they are learning maths concepts.

Use Drawings and Colours

Kids are curious about visuals, so it is easy to teach them mathematics from an early age through drawings and colours. The main idea is to draw symbols such as circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, and stars and then to colour them to make everything attractive.

By letting the children see and show different symbols, they will easily learn maths concepts. You can even make this more interesting by having them add or subtract the symbols in a drawing. 

Encourage the Child to Use Fingers for Maths

The first option to solve maths problems for kids is their fingers. They can easily count using their fingers and subtract, add, and arrange items. If you have been keen, you will notice that children consider their fingers to be counting aids at a very young age.

So, you can start by telling them to see how many fingers they have and show you as they count. So, always incorporate the use of fingers from an early age.

Use Approved Mathematics Worksheets

Children can easily use approved worksheets to see and show maths ideas. Professional providers such as Cazoom Maths have thoroughly researched and prepared worksheets for children of all years, and you can use them to teach maths in an amazing way.

The good thing with maths worksheets is that they cover a variety of topics, so it is easy for a child to see and show different maths ideas. In fact, most of them follow the approved curriculum.

Take Advantage of the TV

Kids love TV, and there are many things they can watch. Fortunately, there are numerous programmes that can help children see and show maths concepts. Some are organised by learning institutions and air on national TV, while you can stream others on video streaming channels.

Look for programmes that will help your child see and show maths concepts and ideas and be part of learning with them.

Go Out and Incorporate Maths Ideas

Maths concepts are everywhere, and children will learn them fast when they go out for a walk, cycling, dinner, or anywhere else. For instance, a child will easily discover the dog’s distance and speed and will be glad to show it by running at the same speed. These are maths concepts too.

When you go out, always let the child see maths ideas and show them to you. It could be as simple as letting the child count the money you need to pay for the bill.


As you can see, there are many ways to help your child see and show maths ideas, especially if you want them to learn fast. When you identify the right concepts, then it will be a smooth process. This will go a long way to helping them learn and love maths. So, pick carefully.

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