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Decoding Key Features of MTech Program in Defence Technology launched by DRDO & AICTE

By   /  July 14, 2021  /  Comments Off on Decoding Key Features of MTech Program in Defence Technology launched by DRDO & AICTE

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New Delhi, 13 July 2021:  Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) have launched a regular MTech. Program in Defence Technology by to impart necessary theoretical & experimental knowledge, skill and aptitude in various defence technology areas.

The program has received positive response from student community while it will motivate the aspiring engineers to start their career in defence technology. Here, SkillOutlook highlights Key features of this new MTech course.

The program has six specialized streams:

Combat Technology

Aero Technology

Naval Technology

Communication Systems & Sensors

 Directed Energy Technology

and High Energy Materials Technology.

The students will also be provided opportunities to conduct their main thesis work in DRDO laboratories, Defence PSUs & Industries. The program will be helpful to students seeking opportunities in ever expanding defence research and manufacturing sector.

This M.Tech. defence technology program can be conducted at any AICTE affiliated Institutes/Universities, IITs, NITs or private engineering institutes. Institute of Defence Scientists & Technologists (IDST) will provide support to the institutes for conducting this program, which can be conducted in online as well as offline formats.

Secretary Department of Defence R&D & Chairman DRDODr G Satheesh Reddy said that such a specialised program will enable the creation of a large pool of talented workforce for defence sector. He called upon the industry leaders to extend their support for this program and offer opportunities to the students.

Prof Anil D Sahasrabud Chairman AICTE expressed happiness over the launch of the program and said it will not only generate skilled manpower pool in defence technology, but will also create spin-off benefits in terms of new defence startups and entrepreneurs. He emphasized that research should be connected with day-to-day life as it is fundamental for human psyche.

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