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IIT Bombay announces PhD Admission for January 2021 Semester

By   /  September 18, 2020  /  Comments Off on IIT Bombay announces PhD Admission for January 2021 Semester

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Mumbai: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, an Institute of National Importance, has announced PhD Admission for Spring Semester 2020-21.  The PhD Classes will commence from January 2021.

Key Dates: The online application portal will open from 21 September 2020. The closing date for submission of application is 15 October 2020. Orientation and Registration Programme will begin  from 4 & 5 January  2021.

Application Fees:

The application fee is as follows:

Women candidates : Rs. 150/SC/

ST/PwD category candidates : Rs. 150/All

other candidates : Rs. 300/

The PhD programmes are available in the following departments/Centres of IIT Bombay:

Aerospace Engineering

Biosciences and Bioengineering

Chemical Engineering


Civil Engineering

Climate Studies

Computer Science and Engineering


Earth Sciences

Educational Technology

Electrical Engineering

Energy Science and Engineering

Environmental Science & Engineering

Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Engineering

Humanities and Social Sciences (Economics, English, Philosophy, Sociology, Indian Science and Technology in Sanskrit)

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research



Mechanical Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science

Centre for Research for Nanotechnology & Science


Centre for Policy Studies

Systems & Control Engineering

Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas

Centre for Urban Science & Engineering

Teaching Assistantship (TA) [Financial support as per MHRD norm]:

A candidate, selected for the PhD Programme, at IIT Bombay will be eligible for the financial support

under the TA category subject to the fulfilment of any one of the following three criteria.

(i) M.Tech./M.E. or an equivalent degree as the qualifying degree,

(ii) M.B.A (with B.Tech./B.E. or equivalent an degree) as the qualifying degree,

(iii) B.Tech./B.E./M.Sc./M.A./M.Com. or an equivalent degree as the qualifying degree


a valid GATE/JEST (for Physics) score or a valid Junior Research fellowship (JRF) award letter

from UGC/CSIR/NBHM/DBT/(confirmed) DST INSPIRE or a national eligibility test / UGC NET

including lectureship (assistant professorship).

A B.Tech./B.S./B.E. (or equivalent) degree from any Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) with a

CGPA/CPI score of 8.00 (on 010 scale) and above is exempted from the mandatory requirement

of a valid GATE score.

The assistantship is payable for a maximum duration of 5 years or up to the thesis submission,

whichever is earlier. The monthly rate of assistantship is Rs. 31,000/ for the first 2 years and

enhanced rate of Rs. 35,000/ for the remaining period.

For further details about eligibility conditions, how to apply and other details, the candidates should refer the Admission Notification, uploaded on the official website of IIT Bombay.


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