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XLRI Announces Admission to Fellow Program in Management 2022: Tuition Fee Waiver & Monthly Fellowships

By   /  November 13, 2021  /  Comments Off on XLRI Announces Admission to Fellow Program in Management 2022: Tuition Fee Waiver & Monthly Fellowships

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Jamshedpur, 13 November 2021: XLRI – Xavier School of Management is a private business school – has announced Admission to Fellow Program in Management (FPM) 2022, a doctoral programme. Research programme is offered in 8 Management& Economics related subjects. Financial Assistance in the form of Monthly Fellowships is available. Tuition Fee is waived will for FPM.

The FPM is a four years of residential proggrame.

Research Areas:  



General Management

Human Resource Management

Information Systems


Organizational Behaviour

Production Operations & Decision Sciences

Strategic Management

Fellowship: Fellow students are awarded a fellowship of Rs. 25,000/- per month during 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 30,000/- per month for the next two years, and no fees (admission, tuition, course material, computer, or library) will be charged. Fellowship will be paid only to the fulltime residential students for a maximum period of four years. From third year, a student can work as a ‘Research and Teaching Assistant’ (RTA), for which Rs.30,000/- per course will be paid extra.

A fellow student is entitled to a contingency grant of Rs. 25, 000/- per annum for four years and a grant of Rs. 20,000/- for Data Collection during third year.

Key Dates: Last Date for submission of online application is 15 January  2022.

Eligibility & Selection Procedure:

Applicants for FPM may choose ONE of the following options:

Eligible candidates can apply for admission to the FPM through any ONE of the following three routes:


Appear in the Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) that is conducted by XLRI all over India.The next XAT is scheduled to be held on January 2, 2022. Click here for online registration for XAT-2022 and follow the instructions.

ROUTE 2 (a different test)

Submit the scores obtained in the latest UGC-JRF/NET, or the GMAT, or the GRE, or the GATE.


Have a two-year full time PGDM / MBA or their equivalent, from XLRI, any of the IIMs, FMS Delhi, MDI Gurgaon, XIMB, IRMA, SP Jain, TISS, ISI or the school/department of management of an IIT with a CQPI of at least 6 on a scale of 8, or equivalent.

Applications obtained through either of the three routes described above will be subject to a merit-based short-listing by XLRI.Shortlisted candidates will be required to travel to and appear for a personal interview at the XLRI campus in Jamshedpur for final selection.

Applications obtained through either of the three routes described above will be subject to a merit-based short-listing by XLRI.Shortlisted candidates will be required to travel to and appear for a personal interview at the XLRI campus in Jamshedpur for final selection.

For exact eligibility criteria, how to apply and other details, candidates should refer the official website XLRI.

Click Here for Notification Page

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