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Can Young People Make Wise Job Decisions by Looking up to Role Models?

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A career can appear attainable when one follows a role model. Good career decisions might be inspired by role models. We’ll explain how.

People are greatly influenced by good role models and the path they take in life. It’s someone you find yourself pondering what they do anytime you have a question regarding a topic, and someone you look up to.

Either you’ll choose a fantastic role model from whom you can draw lessons and apply decision-making in your own life, or you’ll pick a subpar one and wind up going in the wrong direction. In actuality, many people have unsatisfactory role models who ultimately bring disillusionment and poor judgment. Regretfully, a lot of the time due to their upbringing and siblings.

You may find it challenging to imagine your working life while you’re still in school. Stars from the spotlight can serve as the sole source of inspiration for vocations, but they may not always accurately reflect the kind of lives we wish for ourselves and our children in the later stages of our lives. Young people who see positive role models in their careers are more likely to believe that they can make the kind of life they want.

Here’s how to open up yourself to role models for the sake of a career, both advancing your career or building one from scratch, in a certain field.

How Can Role Models Assist You in Choosing a Better Job Path?

Pick out Your Role Models

Finding role models with the traits, abilities, and accomplishments you respect and strive for is the first step. Those you follow on the Internet, such as influencers, writers, or speakers, or those you know in person, like mentors, friends, or coworkers, can all serve as role models. In addition, you can search for role models in other areas of interest or your business, career, or niche. The secret is to pick role models who share your beliefs, objectives, and vision and have surmounted comparable difficulties.

There’s a special place for role models in career development. While some choose to be role models, others are sought after but still want to be in that position. A role model can have an indelible influence, therefore it’s important to distinguish between the two when seeking career advice and to choose who to ask for it. They must converse with the person seeking advice at the same level as they do, and be aware of the global trends currently affecting the sector.

The first step in searching for role models is deciding the “role” in your life you wish to improve. Often, when people look to well-known figures as role models, they discover that although these individuals may be exceptional in one area, they may be lacking or even failing miserably in other areas. Celebrities have been role models for the young population for a long time. Some athletes, for example, are multiple trophy-winners in their sports but off-field they are prone to violence (fighting with fans, involved in domestic violence, etc.). So, looking up to celebrities, whether they are athletes, actors, singers, etc. with high IQ scores and smart thinking that helped them reach fame is a good starting point when picking these as role models (if these are your role models).

As a result, you must be very explicit and discreet about who you want to learn from and emulate. It’s advisable to consider particular positions that one wants to become more proficient in, and then list some of the important individuals who have succeeded in those areas. For instance, if you want to get better at selling, you search YouTube for important thought leaders who have quality content that people should watch and subscribe to.

Assembling a “board of advisors” consisting of six to eight people is an excellent method to “organize” your role models. You’ll have the opportunity to engage and build personal relationships with the role models on your board. The most crucial thing is to have a diversified board, with members who’ll work with you in a variety of capacities, such as supervisors, coaches, mentors, and sponsors. You need this board to both encourage and challenge you and your way of thinking; you don’t want everyone to hold the same opinions. You may speak with certain people every day or every week, and you may speak with others twice a year. Some may offer you network advice, some skill development advice, and others success attitude advice.

Make Connections with Role Models

Developing a relationship and making connections with role models is the next phase. You can accomplish this by contacting them via phone, email, or social media and letting them know how much you value and are interested in what they do. In order to ask them questions and gain knowledge from their experiences and thoughts, you can also invite them to a brief meeting, coffee talk, or mentorship session. When you address them, be sincere, kind, and respectful; demonstrate that you appreciate their time and knowledge. Additionally, you can offer to assist them in any way you can, like sharing their material, offering suggestions, or connecting them with someone in your social circle.

Having a mentor who can help you on your professional path is crucial. This someone might be a dependable supervisor or a seasoned worker that you look up to.

When interacting with a role model, it’s important to remember these:

  • Make sure that there’s a value exchange taking place in this relationship. This implies that you’re providing value in addition to receiving it, so it’s not just about you getting value.
  • In order for you to be valuable to a role model and for them to help you become the most optimal version of yourself, you must first consider what value you can bring to the relationship. This method consistently yields excellent results. When interacting with a role model, be sincere, considerate, aware of boundaries, take control of the connection, and express gratitude constantly.

Advantages of Having Role Models

Utilizing the guidance and criticism of role models is the third phase. Role models may offer you a variety of viewpoints, recommendations, and tools to help you make better job decisions. They may also assist you in determining your opportunities, threats, and weaknesses, as well as assist you in setting reasonable and doable goals. In addition to providing you with helpful feedback, inspiration, and motivation, role models can also assist you in overcoming obstacles and disappointments. You have to be inquisitive, open-minded, and eager to learn to gain from role models. Additionally, you must thank them for your assistance and keep up with them regularly to let them know how you are doing.

You get a “How-to” guide from role models. They serve as both a knowledgeable mentor and a hands-on role model in your area of interest or personal growth. They possess traits and useful abilities that hone your judgment and sharpen your answers. Furthermore, they can support you as you contemplate, plan, and test ideas and ways of thinking. It’s not required to consider role models to be coaches or mentors exclusively. Alternatively, they may offer you a real-time learning environment where you can watch them in action and learn by doing.

Keep in mind that role models can’t fulfill all of your needs.

  • They only assist you in reaching your career goals by offering comments, counsel, and occasionally coaching.
  • They assist you in realizing potential in yourself that you might not even be aware of.
  • They give you fresh insights, expand your viewpoint to new possibilities, and steer you on the right path.
  • They provide you with words of support and follow-up to find out how well you’re doing in reaching your goals.

The work isn’t done for you by role models. They are here to act as a mentor and make sure you are putting in the necessary effort to reach your objectives.

Follow in the Footsteps of Role Models

Adopting role models’ finest practices and habits is the fourth phase. You can use role models as guidelines and standards for your own conduct and performance. They can teach you how to deal with various circumstances, communicate clearly, handle your resources and time, come up with original solutions to challenges, and strike a balance between your personal and professional lives. You must pay great attention to role models, evaluate their decisions and actions, and take up their methods and approaches if you want to be like them. Additionally, you must test out various strategies, evaluate your outcomes, and make necessary adjustments. But instead of seeing role models as limitations and imitations, you should utilize them as inspiration and direction. Don’t copy them mindlessly or forfeit your own uniqueness.

As “templates” for our behavior, they provide us with guidance and lessons from their mistakes about how to live our lives. It’s not appropriate for us to try to emulate them. The objective is to comprehend their path, gain knowledge from their errors, assimilate their values, innovate when necessary, and replicate when necessary—all while remaining true to who you are. Ultimately, the goal of being a role model is to become the best equivalent of yourself and to accomplish your intended future goals.

Increase the Number of Role Models You Have

Extending your network of role models and broadening your sources of knowledge and inspiration represents the fifth step. You can make better job selections with the assistance of role models, but they shouldn’t be the only ones. It’s also possible to learn from those who can question your preconceptions and biases and come from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. By thinking back on your own accomplishments and shortcomings and asking for input from others, you are also learning from yourself. In the same way, you may obtain information from other sources that introduce you to fresh concepts and fashions, such as books, podcasts, courses, or events. You can widen your perspectives, improve your abilities, and find new chances by increasing the number of role models in your life.

This is a fundamental point. A role model isn’t an expert in everything. Determine your areas of improvement and designate one or more role models for each. Someone skilled in sales, technology, or public speaking… Give it a personal touch. It doesn’t guarantee that it will work for you, just because it did for others. If you simply mimic someone else’s actions, it will most likely come across as false. Make your own decisions based on what each of your role models has taught you that makes sense.

Examine the People That Inspire You

Reviewing and assessing your role models’ applicability and influence is the sixth phase. Although they aren’t fixed or unchanging, role models might assist you in making wiser job decisions. Over time, you might grow apart from them, disagree with them, or discontinue contact with them. You might also require new role models for support if your values, objectives, or vision change. As a result, you should frequently evaluate your role models to see if they still meet your requirements and standards. Together with thanking them and acknowledging their contributions, you should celebrate your accomplishments with them. It’s also a good idea to be open to discovering new role models who can inspire you to realize your full potential.

Seeing how your mentors’ careers are developing is always enjoyable. You feel empowered and motivated, knowing that you can succeed too!

Effective Role Model’s Characteristics

While we’re talking about selecting positive role models, you may be considering whether you possess the qualities necessary to be an outstanding role model or not. Perhaps you enjoy motivating and guiding others?


Positive outlook and a willingness to try things regardless of other people’s opinions on their impossibility are qualities that make good role models. This has a significant impact on how people who look up to role models choose to live their lives. You’re more inclined to adopt an optimistic outlook because you aspire to be like your most admirable person, who serves as your role model.

As a result, you start to see the potential in things, which is important in a society where people are always trying to convince you that something is impossible, that you should give up and cease to waste your time, and so on.


A person’s confidence comes through in everything they do, and even if someone’s an optimist, it doesn’t matter if they lack confidence.

Opportunities are missed due to a lack of confidence because one is too afraid to seize them. Additionally, it’s detrimental when role models lack confidence, since it conveys the incorrect message to those who look up to them. It can also be challenging to learn from someone who lacks confidence in themselves.


A role model must, above all, be diligent because this is a crucial trait to possess when attempting to accomplish long-term objectives. You won’t do anything if you don’t have a diligent mindset.

The stance of a role model affects the individuals who look up to them, just like every other trait.


What distinguishing features do role models offer?

Numerous people have achieved success in a variety of industries, including fitness, health, and entrepreneurship. Thus, you might choose from a wide range of individuals based on your preferences. However, what sets them apart is a singular person with a characteristic, experience, or tale that makes it difficult not to like them.


If someone can’t communicate well, how are you going to learn from them?

The most crucial method of learning is to effectively communicate with someone for the purpose of absorbing their knowledge. It’s not the same as having someone speak to you directly when you just watch them repeat things. For example, it will be quite difficult for you to learn more about and gain insight from a pretty well-known and, above all, entrepreneur role model with a motivational success story if they rarely discuss their job, don’t participate in frequent interviews or videos, or don’t offer advice.

Choose a person who possesses the same expertise and all other comparable traits, but who also has outstanding interpersonal skills and offers sound counsel; they’ll be an excellent role model.

Interestingly, the female population often selects same-sex role models, which was proven by BMC Medical Education. They used a cross-sectional, survey-based research method, running from June 2020 to January 2021. Female surgical residents answered questions regarding their impressions of and contributions from role models in Saudi Arabia’s general surgery specialty at the time they decided to pursue a career in surgery.  Of those surveyed, 78.4% said they had a role model, and 19.6% said their role model was a woman.


Working with others requires respect because each individual is unique and has their own aspirations, even if you personally don’t understand them. If you’re going to be collaborating with someone, it’s crucial to acknowledge and appreciate this.

Respect for others is a necessary quality for strong role models on either side of the issue. Do you approach achievement and the people in your immediate vicinity with positivity? But if you’re looking for positive role models right now, ensure that the answer to the previous question is affirmative.


Sincerity be damned, who would want a role model who doesn’t know what they’re talking about?

Having a mentor who lacks expertise in the areas you wish to gain expertise in is a significant challenge because they are unlikely to impart any advice. It’s unlikely that studying their work, way of life, and advice can help you advance in your profession or life. As a result, when searching for excellent role models, validate that they are knowledgeable about the topics they are discussing and that you would like to emulate.

In the event that you choose to mentor or serve as an example for others, be sure you have the necessary credentials so they won’t be wasting their time.


Well-rounded, i.e. balanced role models, are excellent examples. You are only as powerful as your greatest flaw, as they say. It makes no sense for a role model to possess two or three exceptional traits while falling far short in the remaining areas.

Having a well-rounded role model is beneficial as well, as they may possess expertise in multiple subjects of interest instead of just one. Selecting a role model with extensive knowledge in all three areas is ideal, for instance, if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur who also enjoys self-development and fitness. It demonstrates their breadth of knowledge, as well as their ability to balance all three disciplines.


It’s far simpler to collaborate with someone you have empathy with, as you’ll have a hazy, if not accurate, grasp of their circumstances and the “shoes they walk in”.

Thus, picking an empathic role model will benefit you in two ways: first, it will make them feel more motivated to assist you; second, because of their increased understanding, they’ll be able to provide you with better advice.


Because of the culture in which we live, it’s difficult to find flawless role models. Nevertheless, because we’re all human, flaws in others make us completely approachable.

But role models have instilled optimism and a sense of confidence in each of us, and they frequently serve as a source of inspiration for us when none else does. We want to be in awe of those who have transformed the world because they pursue these extraordinary results. Perhaps they did so because they lead lives driven by strong intentions that inspire them to reach their objectives on a daily basis.

We frequently focus on the individuals in our lives who have truly made a significant influence, their accomplishments, backgrounds, and challenges they overcame. Family members can serve as good role models as professionals like, say, teachers. It matters how you help people you work with at all levels have higher aspirations, regardless of who your role model is or isn’t. In a world that’s frequently chaotic and unexpected, role models are crucial in helping you stay inspired and driven while you pursue your profession.

Since role models have the power to alter lives, having one or more of them can be extremely important in each person’s life. Because role models paint an image of a future that’s feasible, we think we’re constantly searching for them. In the end, role models offer us hope, and pursuing your professional ambitions frequently requires having this quality. As we gain much-needed inspiration from their journeys to help us reach our potential and keep us motivated when we can’t find it, role models give us hope for the future.

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