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Employees score low on negotiating salary

By   /  May 9, 2016  /  Comments Off on Employees score low on negotiating salary

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Mumbai:  During hiring process, salary negotiation is an important skill that boosts employee satisfaction.  Major employees don’t negotiate salary and accept their pay check offer. New research from Glassdoor finds that 59 percent of American employees accepted the salary they were first offered, and did not negotiate.  This means three out of five employees don’t  negotiate salary rather accept the pay offer while job interview.  More surprisingly, only one in ten successfully negotiate salary.

Glassdoor is the fastest growing jobs and recruiting site in the US. Glassdoor’s Salary Negotiation Insights Survey, conducted online by Harris Poll and surveying more than 2,015 American adults aged 18+, reveals some surprising results about gender and age when it comes to negotiating for more pay.

Women Negotiated Less Than Men

Glassdoor’s new survey reveals a majority of American employees – 3 in 5 (59%) – did not negotiate their salary in their current/most recent job. But, the numbers are even more surprising when broken down by gender. Women negotiated less than their male counterparts. 68 percent of women accepted the salary they were offered and did not negotiate, a 16-percentage point difference when compared to men (52%)

Only One in Ten Successfully Negotiated

The study further reveals that when it comes to successfully securing more salary, only 1 in 10 (or 10%) of U.S. employees report negotiating their salary and getting more money in their current or most recent job. Men were also more than three times more successful than women in negotiating greater pay. Among U.S. employees, 15 percent of men reported their salary negotiations for their current or most recent job resulted in more money compared to just 4 percent of women.

Age May Play a Role in Salary Negotiations

The survey also revealed that older workers (aged 45-54) negotiated their salary less than younger workers – 66% accepted their initial salary offer and did not negotiate.

And a whopping 77 percent of women 45-54 reported that they accepted the salary they were first offered and did not negotiate..

What Should Employees Do?

With 59 percent of U.S. employees accepting the salary they were first offered without negotiating, what can people do to make sure they aren’t leaving potential money on the table? Employees can do more to empower their negotiations by making sure they know exactly what the salary range is for others in their role, in their city, and even at the company where they are interviewing. Sites like Glassdoor can help you assess what you should be making, based on what everyone else is reporting.

Additionally, there are salary negotiation tips especially to help women ensure they are being paid fairly.

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