VARANASI, : In continuation to its efforts aimed at student well-being and awareness, Banaras Hindu University is organizing week long campaign ahead of the Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, 2024. The campaign begins on Wednesday, September 04, and intends to engage with students at various levels to spread awareness and promote Help Seeking Behaviour and Well-Being.
Activities planned for the campaign include poster-making, open mic sessions, slogan writing, an interactive talk, a play, and other awareness-raising events. These activities align with the theme for this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day: “Changing the Narrative on Suicide – Start the Conversation.” This theme emphasizes the importance of reducing stigma and fostering open dialogue to prevent suicides. It advocates for transforming the perception of suicide from one of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support.
The campaign will involve students from the main campus, South Campus at Barkachha, and university schools. It is being led by the Dean of Students and coordinated by the Associate Dean of Students (Student Development) and the Student Counsellor, with active contributions from Dr. SRK Fellows.
Through this campaign, BHU reaffirms its dedication to educating students and the wider community about mental health signs, available resources, and the importance of seeking help. The team behind this initiative believes that by addressing and challenging the stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide, individuals will be encouraged to seek support without fear of judgment.