New Delhi, 07 August 2020: IIT Delhi has announced important decisions for PG/PhD students admitted for the 1st Semester 2020-21. Considering COVID 19 pandemic, the Senate of IIT Delhi approved the Semester-I and Semester-II will be conducted in Online Mode. Semester-I will begin on September 28, 2020 (first day of classes).
IIT Delhi will revisit plan for online teaching in December 2020 and may revise depending on the prevailing COVID-19 situation in the country at that time.
The Registration (Online submission of documents and forms etc) will be from August 18 to September 17, 2020. So, the last date of submission of documents as mentioned in the Offer Letters (i.e. 13th August, 2020) stands changed to September 17, 2020. This will be on an online portal and there is no personal appearance required.
The Orientation Sessions (Welcome addresses by Director, Deans, Heads of Department etc.) will be conducted online from September 18 to September 24, 2020.
Detailed procedure including portal link for Online Registration (uploading the documents etc.) and Online Orientation will be available on the website close to the given dates.
The Senate of IIT Delhi has decided that the Verification of Original Documents will be done at a later date as and when the students are allowed to come to campus.
IIT Delhi informed that the revised Academic Calendars will be available on the Institute website in next a few days.