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Innovation Hub: Sandip University Showcases Student-Driven Projects and Research

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Innovation Hub: Sandip University Showcases Student-Driven Projects and Research

Any leading educational institution offering programs in various fields of science and technology needs to focus on research and development as well. At Sandip University, this is a fact of life. Each and every student pursuing scientific or technical programs at Sandip University is driven towards conducting independent and peer-reviewed research in their respective field of study.

Located in Nashik, Sandip University is fast earning the much-deserved title of one of the best private engineering colleges in Maharashtra. The university is founded on the principles of creating highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals, generation after generation. Students are also encouraged to innovate on existing technologies and seek out patents or copyrights for their unique inventions.

To this end, Sandip University heavily focuses on student-driven projects and research across diverse fields. The goal is to hone students’ researching capabilities while helping them develop a genuine curiosity about their field of study. This further helps students explore and pursue different tangents of career development rather than resorting to merely acquiring a job in the industry.

Here are some of the top student-driven research projects and endeavours undertaken by students at Sandip University:

Patented Automated Car Fuel Flap

Enterprising students of Sandip University devised a completely automated car fuel flap to smartly reduce the time spent by vehicle owners waiting at petrol pumps when refuelling. Currently, car fuel flaps in cars designed by top motor companies around the world are not completely automated. Even if the exterior flap opens automatically, the inner knob has to be detached manually.

This innovative idea struck a student named Shubham Kothawade, who along with his associates Jayesh Sangapal and Ganesh Kumbhar, decided to create an automated car fuel flap. Upon creating the flap, they received a patent for the same. These students conducted extensive research, visited multiple showrooms and innovation centres of leading motor companies, and interacted with car owners who agreed that they would prefer an automated system to open their car’s fuel flap.

The students then used the knowledge and training received when pursuing mechanical engineering at Sandip University to devise this creation.

Patented Multifunctional Stick for the Indian Police Force

Chetan Nandane, an engineering student from Sandip University,devised a multifunctional stick that can be utilised by the police force to maintain law and order. The stick has many advantageous features like a five-megapixel camera, voice recorder, five LED lights, a metal detector, GPS system, and a stun gun which can stunt a suspect for approximately nine seconds.

This multifunctional stick is designed with the purpose of assisting police personnel with efficiently dealing with a potentially dangerous situation without having to resort to brute force. The stick has been developed and manufactured by Mr. Nandane, holds patent rights across 140 nations, and is in demand by the Indian police force and the police forces of other nations around the globe.

Entrepreneurial Endeavours: FlyLab Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Atharva Naik, Rohan Shinde & Shubham Modake from the Department of Aero Engineering at Sandip University launched a DroneTech startup Flylab Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The startup has been developed under SANDIP TBI Incubation Centre, Sandip University’s entrepreneurship incubation cell. The startup also secured the 1st prize among 1200+ applications at the GITAMYouth Conclave of 2023, while earning the title of “Youth Startup of the Year” by the Indian National Academy of Engineering.

The goal of the startup is to initiate and further enhance the use of drones across different industries in India. The startup is currently focusing on utilising drone technology in agriculture to boost India’s agriculture sector. Besides this, they are also determined to boost the use of drone technology in other sectors like disaster management, national security, surveying and mapping, and infrastructural development.


These are some of the leading technological advancements undertaken by students at Sandip University. The university is constantly driving students towards research-oriented and entrepreneurial endeavours to transform them into job creators rather than job seekers in the long run. The nation is in dire need of individualistic and dynamic youngsters with a vision towards redefining India’s technological outlook, and Sandip University is staunchly delivering on that front.

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