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Q GamesMela Growth Trajectory Continues Via Delivery of 2.5 Million Downloads

By   /  February 20, 2024  /  Comments Off on Q GamesMela Growth Trajectory Continues Via Delivery of 2.5 Million Downloads

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MUMBAI, India and TORONTO  – QYOU Media Inc., (TSXV:QYOU) (OTCQB:QYOUF) a company operating in India and the United States producing and distributing content created by social media stars and digital content creators, has announced that its new version of the casual mobile gaming app, Q GamesMela, has continued to hit early growth milestones reaching 2.5 million downloads as of February 20, 2023 less than four months following its launch in late October 2023.  The app continues on a pace to reach its year one goal of 10 million downloads.   In addition, daily average user (DAU) levels have exceeded early projections reaching the first significant plateau of over 100,000 daily average users in the month of February.

The company also announced the largest promotion to date in conjunction with its popular India television channel, Q TV,  via an innovative Play Along ‘Har Koi Jeetega’ (Everyone Wins!) contest starting 4th March 2024.  Leveraging the massive viewership of the channel which reaches over 90 million viewers weekly, Q GamesMela will be sponsoring show contests enabling the viewer base to download its app and participate in engaging contests. The collaboration aims to boost user acquisition for Q GamesMela while also enhancing viewer engagement and loyalty on Q TV shows, embodying a prime example of cross-pollination and synergy between two in-house businesses poised for continued strong growth.

‘Har Koi Jeetega’ (Everyone Wins!) Play Along Contest serves as a novel approach to counter the prevalent issue of viewer distractions during TV programs. With millions of viewers frequently multitasking, the contest injects excitement by posing questions related to TV programs and rewarding winners with enticing prizes. To participate, viewers are prompted to download the Q GamesMela app, where they can actively engage with the contest, enlisting increased attention to Q TV shows. Simultaneously, Q GamesMela leverages this opportunity to acquire pertinent registrations for its app, particularly given the strong affiliation with a young India audience in Tier 2 & 3 and rural India locales.

The mobile gaming industry in India continues to experience unprecedented growth. Recent reports have estimated that the valuation of the industry will grow from a current valuation of $2.6 Billion to a projected to $8.6 Billion by the end of 2027.* Currently India is expected to become the fastest growing major gaming market in Asia. Estimates are for the number of players in the country to grow to 641.2 million by 2027 with rising incomes, increased bandwidth and smartphones being the main drivers of growth.**

Curt Marvis, CEO and Co-Founder, QYOU Media, commented “We continue to be thrilled with the amazing momentum and engagement with Q GamesMela. It has always been a strong goal to leverage the various audiences reached by the owned and operated business units of the company in India across television, influencer marketing and gaming.  The promotion of the “Everyone Wins” contest is the largest effort to date to leverage these assets together and we look forward to strong results across the board for both the gaming app and the television engagement metrics.”

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