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Tata Trusts Academic Scholarship Programme opens for Bachelor & Masters degree

By   /  November 30, 2017  /  Comments Off on Tata Trusts Academic Scholarship Programme opens for Bachelor & Masters degree

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Mumbai: Tata Trusts invites an applications from students, who are studying at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels in Colleges/Institutions for a Scholarship Programme.

The application process is online and has started from 29 November 2017 . The closing date for application is on 20 December 2017.

Eligibility Conditions for Bachelor and Masters:

Bachelor Masters


Who are eligible to apply:
Those who are pursing studies in India.
Those who have completed first year of their streams.
Those who are paying tuition fees and other related fees.

Who are eligible to apply
Those who are pursing studies in India.
Those who have completed Bachelor’s in their respective streams.
Those who are paying tuition fees and other related fees.
STREAMS and PERCENTAGE CRITERIA as mentioned in the notification
Students who have not received any scholarship/education grant/stipend in any form, from the government or from any other Trust/organization can fill the form online.



List of some streams for Master Degree (Scholarships)

Sr. no.   Streams                               Percentage cut off

                M.Sc in Biotechnology                   65

                Msc in Microbiology                        65

                Msc in Chemistry                             65

                Msc in Physics                   65

                Msc in Mathematics                       65

                Msc in Statistics                                65

                MA in Anthropology                       65

                Masters of Homeopathy                              65

                Master of Nursing                           70

                Master of Dentistry                        70

                Master of Pharmacy                       70

                Msc in Forensic Sciences                               60

                MA in Disaster Management                      60

                Masters of Physiotherapy                         70

For exact eligibility criteria, how to apply and other details, interested students should visit Tata Trusts scholarship website.


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