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The Design Village will organize its fourth edition of “CAN – Co-Creative and Adaptive Networks” in collaboration with Young Designers India and HireDesigners. CAN 2024 aims to create a self-sustained platform for aspiring designers to establish themselves within the dynamic design industry. This event is designed to foster a self-sustaining ecosystem where students can discover opportunities and carve out their niches in the design world. The event promises to be a melting pot of creativity, innovation, and professional growth, featuring a stellar lineup of multidisciplinary professionals from top organizations including Adobe, Zee Entertainment, Air India, Blinkit, India Fellows, Purpose, and Quicksand. Sagar Gupta, Director (Growth) at TDV said “We are excited to bring together such a diverse group of design professionals and students. CAN 2024 is more than just an event, it’s a movement to empower the next generation of designers by providing them with the resources, knowledge, and networks they need to succeed.” Participants will have the invaluable opportunity to gain insights and learn from the experiences of design leaders through a series of thought-provoking talks. These sessions will cover a range of topics, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the design industry. The event will be Showcan, where creative student entrepreneurs will exhibit their stalls showcasing their skills and selling their products. CAN will be an opportunity for students, including alumni, to be exposed to a larger world of possibilities that will help them chart their journey after college, lose their inhibitions, and become the movers and shakers of the design industry.

By   /  June 10, 2024  /  Comments Off on The Design Village will organize its fourth edition of “CAN – Co-Creative and Adaptive Networks” in collaboration with Young Designers India and HireDesigners. CAN 2024 aims to create a self-sustained platform for aspiring designers to establish themselves within the dynamic design industry. This event is designed to foster a self-sustaining ecosystem where students can discover opportunities and carve out their niches in the design world. The event promises to be a melting pot of creativity, innovation, and professional growth, featuring a stellar lineup of multidisciplinary professionals from top organizations including Adobe, Zee Entertainment, Air India, Blinkit, India Fellows, Purpose, and Quicksand. Sagar Gupta, Director (Growth) at TDV said “We are excited to bring together such a diverse group of design professionals and students. CAN 2024 is more than just an event, it’s a movement to empower the next generation of designers by providing them with the resources, knowledge, and networks they need to succeed.” Participants will have the invaluable opportunity to gain insights and learn from the experiences of design leaders through a series of thought-provoking talks. These sessions will cover a range of topics, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the design industry. The event will be Showcan, where creative student entrepreneurs will exhibit their stalls showcasing their skills and selling their products. CAN will be an opportunity for students, including alumni, to be exposed to a larger world of possibilities that will help them chart their journey after college, lose their inhibitions, and become the movers and shakers of the design industry.

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Guwahati : A multi-institutional research team including Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, U. R. Rao Satellite Centre, ISRO, University of Mumbai, and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research has studied a newly discovered black hole binary system called Swift J1727.8-1613 using data obtained from AstroSat. The team has discovered intriguing X-ray characteristics that can potentially provide insights into the nature of black holes.

Studying black holes directly is challenging because nothing escapes from black holes to be detected or measured. However, black hole binaries, where a black hole is paired with another object, such as a normal star, provide a unique opportunity for investigation. In these binary systems, the black hole’s gravity pulls material from its companion star, forming an accretion disk of gas and dust spiraling into the black hole. As the material in the accretion disk is pulled closer to the black hole, it heats up to extremely high temperatures, often millions of degrees, and emits X-rays. These X-rays can be detected using space-based telescopes, providing valuable information about the black hole itself.

The research team recently studied the black hole binary system Swift J1727.8-1613 using AstroSat, India’s first dedicated space astronomy observatory, which is in orbit around the Earth. AstroSat is equipped with instruments capable of observing the universe in multi-wavelengths, including X-rays, making it ideal for studying high-energy phenomena such as black hole binaries.

Speaking about his research, Prof. Santabrata Das, Department of Physics, IIT Guwahati, said, “QPOs are indispensable for investigating mysterious black hole systems. By examining the periodic variations of X-ray photons at high energies (around 100 keV), QPOs help decode the footprints of a black hole’s strong gravity. This aids in understanding their fundamental properties and the dynamics of how the black hole attracts matter from the neighboring environment.”

The researchers detected Quasi-periodic Oscillations (QPOs) in the X-ray light emitted by the accretion disk of Swift J1727.8-1613. Quasi-periodic Oscillations (QPOs) are the flickering of X-ray light from an astronomical object around specific frequencies.

Remarkably, these QPOs changed their frequency over just seven days, shifting from 1.4 to 2.6 times per second. This change of frequency is observed in extremely high-energy X-rays, which are incredibly hot, around a billion degrees.

The implications of this discovery are profound. QPOs can help astronomers study the inner regions of accretion disks and determine the masses, and spin periods of black holes. They can also test Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which describes gravity as a geometric property of space and time. According to this theory, massive objects like black hole and neutron starts warp the fabric of spacetime around them, and this curvature dictates the paths that accreting matter will follow, which we perceive as gravitational attraction.

Highlighting the impact of this research finding, Dr. Anuj Nandi, U R Rao Satellite Centre, ISRO, added, “Unique capabilities of AstroSat, namely the high time resolution and large X-ray photon collecting area, made the discovery of evolving QPO frequency in high energy X-rays possible. These high energy X-rays are generated when low energy photons interact with hot material from inner disk around black holes via Compton scattering process. AstroSat observations distinctly confirm that Swift J1727.8−1613 was in a accretion state dominated by Comptonized emissions that manifest aperiodic modulation, resulting in observed QPO features.”

The details of this work have been published in the prestigious journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, in a paper co-authored by Prof. Santabrata Das from IIT Guwahati, Dr. Anuj Nandi from U R Rao Satellite Centre, ISRO, Prof. H. M. Antia from University of Mumbai, and Dr. Tilak Katoch and Mr. Parag Shah from TIFR, along with research student Mr. Seshadri Majumder from IIT Guwahati.

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