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World University of Design organises Design Research Workshop for its Faculty Addresses the Dire Need in Design Education

By   /  October 24, 2021  /  Comments Off on World University of Design organises Design Research Workshop for its Faculty Addresses the Dire Need in Design Education

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New Delhi : World University of Design is prepped to organize a series of workshops for its faculty on building Design Research, Writing & Publishing capabilities, starting Tuesday, October 26th, 2021. The first workshops will be conducted by research advisors Dr. Himanshi Singh and Dr. Rudra Baral who will be building capacities from ground onwards while improving research valuation by different publications that ultimately assists in academic professional growth of the faculty.

The field of design as a discipline has emerged in the country in recent times thus requiring ignition in its research and planning domain to quench the ever-increasing significance and demand of design as an aspect across sectors. This shift in the sphere of design has driven universities to metamorphose their design programmes from mere diplomas to post-graduate and doctoral degrees; World University of Design being the pioneers to usher in this change and initiating master’s and doctoral programmes right from the inception of their existence.

Research is important in identifying the pressures on the current knowledge generation exerted by the shift from a mechanical, object-centered paradigm to one characterized by systems; by the shifting of control from designers to users; and by the growing complexity of contemporary problems.

Chiselling innovative ideas for progression and development of students, Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Vice Chancellor, World University of Design) remarks, “The field of Design has developed rapidly over the last half decade, now showing a behaviour that are common to well-established professions – a documented history; code of ethics; interest in methodology; growing body of literature; and developing criticism. A mature culture of design research is however yet to be built and this effort can only be accomplished through a partnership between professionals and educators.”

The workshops are intended to be an amalgamation of informational and educational training for the faculty members helping them convert research observations and data structures into high impact publications. The sessions will prove to be a rich go-to resource for faculty as well as students for brushing up research and scientific writing skills. Young faculty members will also get insights on selection of journals and various associated parameters of scientific writing such as Citation Score, h-index, i10 index, impact factor calculation, plagiarism etc. Hands-on training will also be provided on various referencing tools for preparing desirable bibliography sections.

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