World University of Design (WUD)

By   /  September 3, 2024  /  Comments Off on World University of Design (WUD)

filter: 109; fileterIntensity: 1.0; filterMask: 0; module: h;
hw-remosaic: 0;
touch: (0.36932448, 0.36932448);
modeInfo: ;
sceneMode: Night;
cct_value: 0;
AI_Scene: (6, -1);
aec_lux: 34.13851;
hist255: 0.0;
hist252~255: 0.0;
hist0~15: 0.0;

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  • Published: 1 month ago on September 3, 2024
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 3, 2024 @ 8:15 pm
  • Filed Under: