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4 Reasons You Should Go to College

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4 Reasons You Should Go to College

If you’ve never thought about why you should get a college education, the answer can be more complicated than it first seems. College isn’t the right choice for everyone. However, getting a bachelor’s degree is a smart option. Here are a few reasons to consider going to college:

Higher Earnings

One of the best reasons to go to colleges like American International College is to improve your earnings. A higher salary could add millions of dollars over your lifetime. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), bachelor’s degree holders earned an average of $1,305 weekly. High school graduates earned $781. The difference adds up to about $300,000 a year. A recent Georgetown University study found that high school graduates earned an average of $1.6 million over their lifetime. It is a low number compared to the $2.8 million college graduates earn.

A college degree from American International University does not guarantee a high salary, as wages vary greatly depending on your chosen field of study and occupation. However, there is a strong correlation between your level of education and wages. If you have a college degree, you are likely to earn more than those who skipped college.

Better Life Satisfaction

Getting more education can improve the quality of your life. People with a bachelor’s degree are generally happier than those without one. According to the Pew Research Center, 75% of American college graduates report being “very satisfied” with their home life. Only 64% of those without a high school diploma feel the same way.

Expand Your Professional Network

Going to college gives you access to many people in your chosen industry. Professors can write letters of recommendation to help you find a job, other students can help you find job postings, and the university can host recruiting sessions on campus.

Your university alumni network is also a powerful tool as well. Many schools list alumni they can contact when looking for a job. You can also find other alumni of the university through LinkedIn or the university’s direct alumni network.

Opportunity to Pursue Niche Interests

College provides students with the perfect chance to explore new areas of study and find their passions. For example, students who are interested in music can audition for school bands or choirs, take classes on music theory, or join student organizations devoted to music appreciation.

Similarly, those who want to learn more about a particular culture can join a language club or study abroad. Students who are interested in politics can intern for their local representatives or join campus organizations that advocate for change.

In addition to your education, college is also a place where you can pursue new interests and expand your perspective. Courses outside of your major will introduce you to new ideas and research subjects. If you’re looking for a way to explore your passions, be sure to consider the many benefits of a college education.

Whether you’re looking to study a unique major or take advantage of interdisciplinary programs, college provides an ideal setting for intellectual growth. In addition, colleges typically offer a wealth of extracurricular activities, allowing you to pursue your interests outside the classroom. Going to college has social, financial, and personal benefits. It would be best if you put in the effort to find the best college and a course that works for you. There are many ways to learn valuable skills. If you are unsure of what to pursue, take some time to explore your interests first.

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