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In India 21% employees have good jobs and only 3% have great jobs: Gallup Global Great Jobs Report 2016

By   /  May 16, 2016  /  Comments Off on In India 21% employees have good jobs and only 3% have great jobs: Gallup Global Great Jobs Report 2016

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Mumbai:  As per Global Great Jobs Report 2016 released by Gallup, 24% of employees in India have a good job while 3% have a great job. Here, the research report by Gallup considers permanent job having 30+ hours per week of consistent work with a paycheck from an employer as a good job. At the global levels, out of 5 billion adults on the world, 1.3 billion have a good job. Of these 1.3 billion, 14% are engaged. So, out of a global workforce of an estimated 3.2 billion adults who are working or looking for work, only 6%, or 183 million people, have a great job.

With global adults struggling to have a good job, policy makers around the world should make sustainable measures to make working professionals  realizing this dream, said Jon Clifton, Managing Director, Global Analytics, Gallup on the executive summary of the report.

India is widely believed that it is at the cusp of transformation as far as demographic dividend is concerned.  More than half of the population is currently below 25 years old. Each year 12 million job seekers enter into the labour market in India.  Quality and organised jobs are the need of hour to give wings to dreams of youth. Unfortunately, India has not improved at a desirable pace as far as quality of jobs is concerned.

Good jobs India at 24% Vs 26% global:  1.3 billion adults worldwide — work full time for an employer. 74% of employees are not employed full time by an employer globally where India this figure stands at 76%. In the great job yardstick, the share of great job holders among employees stands at only 3% vs 4% globally. In Asia 25% employees are good job holders while 2% of total working professionals have a great job.

Gallup’s survey results are based on telephone and face-to-face interviews with approximately 1,000 adults, aged 15 and older, conducted in 155 countries. As there is no metrics for measuring quality people’s jobs, the share of great job holders throws some lights on this trend.

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