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What is BARDA funding, and who is it for?

By   /  October 14, 2024  /  Comments Off on What is BARDA funding, and who is it for?

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The Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA, is a major driver in health security both nationally and internationally. BARDA shoulders the financial burden of responsibility for companies developing novel medical treatments in an effort to take on public health emergencies such as pandemics, bioterrorism threats, among other emergencies. The paper will proceed to describe in detail what this funding entails and who qualifies for it.

Services like EverGlade Consulting provide great assistance for businesses trying to negotiate the convoluted federal BARDA funding application procedure. EverGlade Consulting connects public sector demands with private sector solutions and specializes in  federal funding. Concentrating on BARDA and ARPA-H, they provide a wide spectrum of services from Pursuit, Proposal, and Post-Award assistance to compliance with federal rules across agencies, including The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

BARDA Funding: What is it?

BARDA funding is a significant requirement for any company or academic research to be involved in medicine, biotechnology, and health. The Agency’s mission is focused on the development and provision of much-needed medical countermeasures against infectious disease outbreaks and bioterrorism threats.

Notable successes funded through BARDA include the development of Ebola and COVID-19 vaccines, rapid diagnostic testing, and treatments. BARDA shrinks the gap from idea to market by providing funding and guidance for early-stage research to approved products while speeding the delivery of lifesaving medical products.

How Does BARDA Funding Work?

BARDA operates through grants, contracts, and other forms of support given to companies and institutions identified as focused on high-priority research and development areas. Funding is therefore made available for investigations into public health threats and innovative products in the medical and biotech industries. The procedure for funding involves several stages:

  • Distribution of Grants and Contracts: Distribution of funds by BARDA is carried out through contracts and grants, as the urgency of the medical need dictates, or the potential overall impact that the project may cause. Grants can also be provided for different architecture, ranging from research to clinical trials and up to full-scale commercial production.
  • Support: Types of support other than financial that BARDA extends to recipients toward the overcoming of some regulatory challenges and speeding up their pace of development include technical and expert support.
  • Application Process: To obtain any financing from BARDA, an organization has to go through a fairly elaborate process. This typically consists of the submission of a proposal comprising the project, its aims, and how much potential it holds for the good of all, hence showing how it aligns with the priorities of BARDA. Next comes the review of the submitted entries in detail. Those who meet the criteria and stand a high success rate may be funded.

Who Does BARDA Funding Suit?

BARDA funding is channeled to all types of companies-from newly established and inexperienced startups to well-entrenched pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, and medical device developers. Following is a list of the general criteria making any company a candidate for BARDA funding:

  • Unique Medical Solutions: The companies must be involved in developing new medical products, technologies, or countermeasures aimed at addressing urgent public health needs, such as infectious diseases, outbreaks of chemical and biological agents, and pandemics.
  • Alignment with BARDA priorities: Projects fitting its strategic priorities, such as the fight against infectious diseases, enhancement of biodefense capabilities, and diagnostics, are more likely to be funded.
  • Readiness of project: In general, projects beyond the basic research stage and for which a development plan is in place have a better chance of receiving support from BARDA. A prototype or preliminary data would strengthen an application.

Major Benefits of BARDA Funding

Securing BARDA funding can come with several advantages for companies dealing in the healthcare and biotech sectors:

  • BARDA provides for funding at various stages: from research and preclinical activities, through clinical trials, to large-scale manufacturing. This flexibility allows companies to focus on development without the constant pressure of securing additional funding.
  • Expert Guidance and Collaboration: BARDA funding brings along sovereign access to expert advice and technical support. Recipients can gain experience from BARDA in the process of negotiating regulatory pathways, conducting clinical trials, and assuring product safety and efficacy.
  • Improved Credibility: BARDA funding can lend credibility to the project, and thus the latter may become much more attractive to additional investors, partners, and stakeholders.

Which Projects and Ideas Are Not Suitable for BARDA Funding?

While BARDA funds a wide range of medical innovations, not all projects fit into its funding criteria. The following types of projects do not exemplify typical funding opportunities with BARDA:

  • Non-medical projects: Projects whose impact does not fall directly on medical countermeasures or health security are likely to be barred from accessing BARDA funding. 
  • Lack of alignment with BARDA’s focus: For example, strategic priorities in developing treatments against infectious diseases or urgent medical conditions. 
  • Only early-stage research without a structured plan for development is unlikely to qualify. Projects at the very early stage of research or without a concrete strategy in terms of development or commercialization might therefore be excluded from qualification. 


BARDA funding remains one of the most important resources for companies and research institutions to advance healthcare and preparedness for public health. What is more, it provides not only funds but also technical assistance and opportunities for collaboration in bringing innovative medical solutions into practice. Projects falling within the priority of BARDA can aggressively seek funding from companies, knowing it speeds up development and opens new avenues. 

Companies that wish to apply for BARDA would benefit from a free consultation with EverGlade Consulting to help navigate the seemingly complicated landscape of federal funding.

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