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10 Tips for IBPS PO 2019 Preparation

By   /  August 27, 2019  /  Comments Off on 10 Tips for IBPS PO 2019 Preparation

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IBPS PO Prelims 2019 is scheduled in second and third week of October 2019. With just about two months to go for the Prelims, it is high time that your preparation for the exam goes in full swing. With the level of difficulty increasing every year, it is time for smart study accompanied with full dedication, so that there is no looking back and no chances of repenting. In this article we will share with you all some useful tips to crack IBPS PO Exam 2019.

Tips to Crack IBPS PO Exam 2019 

Seeing the level of difficulty of Prelims & Mains Exams these days and the cut throat competition, it has become of prime importance that the Basics whether be it of Quantitative AptitudeReasoning Ability or English Language are crystal clear in your heads.

Tip 1 

By Heart Basic Formulae

Get thorough with your Quants Formulae and Quick Calculation Techniques. Important formulae, Tables, Square Roots, Cube Roots, Decimal Fraction Conversion, Percentage Calculation etc should be on your fingertips.

Tip 2 

Revise Basic Grammar Rules

To perform good in the English section, it is necessary that the Basic Grammar rules are clear in your head. Whether they are FillersPhrase replacement questionsError detection questionsCorrect UsageSentence CompletionError Correction or Cloze test-based questions; if you are thorough with the English Grammar Basics, then you are sorted.

Tip 3

Practice, Practice & Practice

All the three sections, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability & English Language, would require extensive practice from your side so that you acquire expertise in all the topics that are frequently asked in the IBPS PO 2019 Exam.

Tip 4 

Read Current Affairs on a Daily Basis

Keep reading the General/Financial/Economy/Banking Awareness on a daily basis so that you have enough time for revision before the exam. GA section can be a game changer if prepared properly and revised religiously.

Tip 5

Practice DI & Puzzles

There is a need to practice High Level Puzzles and Data Interpretation questions specifically for the Mains Exam. It is advisable that you solve a few Puzzles (Reasoning Ability) and Data Interpretation questions on a daily basis so that you are in a habit of solving these in minimum time in the Exam.

Tip 6

Read Newspaper Daily

For the English Language section, to be able to solve Reading Comprehension questions in minimum time with accuracy, having a habit of reading on a daily basis is of prime importance. If you read on a daily basis, well and good but if not, then start reading newspapers for at-least 15-20 minutes daily especially the editorial and opinion section. It will help increase your reading speed as well as know the daily news analysis.

Tip 7

Curate a Study Plan

Curate a daily study plan for yourself as per your availability of time. Follow this schedule religiously. Do not forget to include reading the daily current affairs and editorial of a newspaper.

Tip 8

Take up Mock Tests

Take up at least 20 Mock Tests for Prelims & 10 Mock Tests for the Mains Exam. This will give you an edge over your competitors as you would know your strong & weak topics/sections & also facilitate in letting you practice a wide variety of questions in a time bound atmosphere. Please do analyse each Mock Test that you take. This would definitely help you a great deal.

Tip 9

Mock Test Analysis

After you have taken your Mock Test, do sit and analyse it. Without analysis there is no point in taking Mock Tests. Analysis gives a quite an idea of where you lack in your preparations and which section or topic requires your special attention. Also, the solution part shows you the right approach as to how to go about a particular question. It helps you perform better in the next Mock Test that you take.

Tip 10

No Procrastination

Whether it is your first attempt at the exam or not, try and stick to your schedule and do not take the preparations lightly. Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. Remember if you do this, chances might be there that you might miss your chance this time because the competition is high and vacancies low. Study regularly and be persistent.

We hope that the above given Tips prove useful to you. For your complete preparation for the IBPS PO 2019 Exam, Subscribe to Oliveboard EDGE to get access to a variety of Video Learning Courses and Mock Tests for various Bank & Government Exams with just one subscription. All the Best for the Exam!

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