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How Technology Is Changing The Medical Field

By   /  February 1, 2022  /  Comments Off on How Technology Is Changing The Medical Field

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How Technology Is Changing The Medical Field

Technology touches every aspect of our lives, things that used to take us ages to accomplish are now done at the swipe of a button. The fact that it keeps evolving every day means that the future is going to be even brighter. Just the other day a vaccine for the HIV/AIDS scourge was developed, if not for technological innovations the Covid-19 pandemic would still be reducing our population drastically. 

There are many other positive impacts brought about by technology in the medical field. Technology has greatly assisted in the fight against cancer and many other medical conditions. Below is an illustration of how technology has greatly evolved the medical field.

Data Recording

Technology has greatly revolutionised the art of recording medical data. Hospitals and medical clinics have a lot of patients and keeping track of their medical information could be tricky. The patients have different medical conditions with a varying range of severities and a mixup in their data has potentially devastating effects.

The innovation and development of computing technology has made patient data recording a lot easier. Hospital administration and staff can now open a new file on each patient containing their detailed information. In this age of cyber attacks, technology has further assisted in the encryption of these confidential patient information to keep it safe from data breaches.

Remote Patient Monitoring:

Technology has also assisted nurses and doctors in monitoring their patient’s condition and responding in the appropriate manner. Due to the large number of patients frequenting a hospital, it is not realistically possible for a nurse or doctor to monitor their patients around the clock. 

This is where technology comes in, innovation of bedside patient beepers that the patients can use to summon the attending nurse when they are in a critical condition. Electrocardiogram machines can also be linked to monitors in the nursing station. This allows the nurse to be kept abreast of the patient’s condition at all times. This has been instrumental in saving a lot of lives.

Improved Medical Testing:

Technological innovations have made the diagnosis of many medical conditions easier. In the past, diagnosis of medical conditions was harder as several medical conditions could sport the same symptoms. Thus cases were often misdiagnosed and patients’ conditions often deteriorated due to this. 

Nowadays, medical equipment made by quality manufacturers like the medical injection molding company Seaskymedical help in the early detection of medical conditions. This has greatly impacted the fight against cancer, early detection of cancer is key for those seeking to fight this condition. This has been enabled by the innovation of equipment like the CT scan machine and the MRI machine.

Improved Patient Care:

The innovation of technology in the medical field has greatly revolutionised patient treatment and care. The innovation of medical equipment like EKG machines, MRI scan machines, CT scan machines have greatly improved medical care. Life support machines have saved numerous patients on the brink of death.

Kidney failure patients are also being assisted by dialysis machines, we could go on and on but technology has improved medical care in endless ways. The reliable supply of oxygen to oxygen tanks regulated by ball valve Malaysia and special beds that can be adjusted to make patients comfortable are also ways in which technology has improved patient care.

Better Treatment Methods

The development of technology has brought with it new and more effective methods of treatment. The introduction of stem cell therapy has taken medicine to another level, it helps to fix dysfunctional cells and is an upgrade in the field of organ transplant. Instead of transplanting the whole organ, the medical team uses new healthy cells to replace the affected ones.

Technology made medical procedures that were impossible to perform a few years back possible. Brain surgeries, heart transplants, separation of conjoined twins are all medical milestones that were made possible by technological innovations. The elimination of cancer cells by radiation therapy, an improvement on chemotherapy drugs is also due to technology.

Innovation Of New Medicine:

The pharmaceutical industry has also made several leaps due to technological innovations. New and more advanced medicine is being introduced to the market every now and then,  pharmaceutical giant companies have invested a lot of money trying to find solutions to medical problems that have been ailing us for a long time. The Covid-19 vaccines were developed after the pharmaceutical industry, and research institutions came together and threw everything they had into research. This is an indication of how far the pharmaceutical industry has come due to technology.


The advancement of technology has made our lives much simpler. This is evident in almost all aspects of our lives; this article focuses on how technology is rapidly advancing the medical field. For example, defibrillators insulated by the best insulator manufacturers have the capability to shock people back to life. The above illustrations are only the tip of the iceberg; technology has and is continuing to contribute a lot to the medical field.

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