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IISc Bangalore Recruiting Assistant Professors ! Salary INR 1.86 Lakh Per Month

By   /  January 17, 2024  /  Comments Off on IISc Bangalore Recruiting Assistant Professors ! Salary INR 1.86 Lakh Per Month

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Bangalore, 17 January 2023: Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, India’s top ranked university, has announced recruitment of Assistant Professors for various disciplines.  IISc recruits Assistant Professors under special recruitment drive for SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS/PWD categories in its various academic departments and centres.

The scale of pay: Level 12 with basic pay of Rs. 1,01,500/-. After the completion of three years of service in Level 12, pay will be fixed in Level 13A1 with a basic pay of Rs. 1,31,400/-.

Total minimum emoluments (including Dearness and Transport Allowances): ₹1,86,107 per month

with house rent allowance, and ₹ 1,58,702 per month if staying on the campus.

Key Dates: The closing date for submission of online application is 14 March 2023. Applications will be accepted only through the online portal: https://recruitment.iisc.ac.in/frp/


Reservation: As per Government of India (GoI) rules, necessary certificates must be enclosed with the application form.

Qualifications and Experience Required:  Ph.D., with First Class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) in the preceding degree, and a good academic record throughout.

A minimum of three years teaching/research/professional experience, excluding the experience gained while pursuing a Ph.D. In exceptional cases, candidates with less than requisite experience will also be considered with appropriate changes to the salary.

List of Departments where Vacant Posts Available:

Biological Sciences: Biochemistry (BC); Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES); Centre for Neuroscience

(CNS); Microbiology and Cell Biology (MCB); Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU); Developmental Biology

and Genetics (DBG).

Chemical Sciences: Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (IPC); Materials Research Centre (MRC); Organic

Chemistry (OC); Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit (SSCU).

Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP); Instrumentation and

Applied Physics (IAP); Mathematics; Physics.

Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Sciences (EECS): Computer Science and Automation (CSA);

Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE); Electrical Engineering (EE); Electronic Systems Engineering


Mechanical Sciences: Aerospace Engineering; Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS);

Centre for Earth Sciences; Design and Manufacturing (DM); Centre for Sustainable Technologies (CST);

Chemical Engineering*; Civil Engineering; Materials Engineering; Mechanical Engineering.

(* In Chemical Engineering, only SC/ST candidates will be considered in this call.)

Interdisciplinary Sciences: BioEngineering; Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE);

Computational and Data Sciences (CDS); Management Studies (MS); Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber

Physical Systems (RBCCPS). Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Research (ICER).

For exact eligibility, how to apply and other information, the candidates should refer the Employment Notice, uploaded on the official website of IISC Bangalore.



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