Jaipur, 26 February 2025: Pratap University, a Private university in Jaipur, has announced Recruitment of Faculty Recruitment and Non-Teaching Positions. The university has invited applications for Faculty posts for its various departments. These faculty posts are available at the following levels: Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Directors.
List Departments/Subjects where Faculty recruitment is Open:
Computer Science and Engineering
Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English)
Information Technology
Hotel Management
Fashion Design
Key Dates & How to Apply: Pratap University has released employment notification on 26 February 2025 on a National newspaper. The eligible candidates should send their CV and relevant documents to the email id with in 07 Days. The candidates should send resume to the below email ID:
For exact details on eligibility conditions, how to apply and other detail, the candidates should refer the official website of Pratap University.