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Gender Pay Gap: Women employees in India earn 27% less than men, Monster Salary Index

By   /  May 25, 2016  /  Comments Off on Gender Pay Gap: Women employees in India earn 27% less than men, Monster Salary Index

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Mumbai: Gender pay gap in India Inc is widening with women employees continue draw less salary than men in India. The latest Monster Salary Index report has confirmed this trend. Based on the data for the eight sectors covered by the report Gender Pay Gap in India stands at 27%. In term of median gross hourly wage parameter, the gap is wide as median gross hourly wage for men stands at Rs 288.68 compared to 207.85 for women. For the same position with same role, the pay structure is different for women and men with women earning 27% less than men in India.

The survey report was prepared by Monster India in association with Payeck.in (Wage Indicator Foundation), and Indian Institute of Ahmadabad (IIMA). The sample size of the survey was 31,193 respondents, of which approximately 86.50%  are men and the remaining 13.50% are women.

Further the report finds that workers in partially foreign owned and wholly foreign owned companies earn higher salary than workers in domestically owned Indian companies.  Employees in domestically owned Indian companies earn Rs 106 per hour less than workers in partially foreign owned companies and Rs 233 per hour less than workers in wholly foreign owned companies.

Large size companies are better pay masters as employees of companies with less than 10 employees earn in median only Rs 137 whereas employees of very companies with more than 5000 employees earn in median Rs 335.


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