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Recruitment Portal Offers Basic Pay to Beat Job Insecurity

By   /  August 28, 2018  /  Comments Off on Recruitment Portal Offers Basic Pay to Beat Job Insecurity

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Bangalore: When was the last time you felt the absence of ‘me-time’? It’s true that most people have no time for themselves. They are stuck in their daily 9-5 routines, and prefer the security of a permanent job even if it stifles their freedom to ‘just be’. Here is where Workflexi.in offers fixed term contract jobs. The uniqueness of this is that when a person is in-between jobs, Workflexi’s platform offers a ‘virtual bench’ and pays the jobseeker one month’s ‘basic pay’ under the Basic Pay System (BPS) at no cost to the jobseeker. None of the standalone products or services provide this facility in India.

India’s First ‘Work-at-will’ Platform: “It is an India-first model that works wonders for contract workers who are unsure if they will last the term in the volatile jobs market,” says Geetha Prabhu, founder and COO, Workflexi.in.

For a person on the bench, this is such a boon as they no longer need to be idling their time in the hope of being roped into projects that are in the pipeline. Workflexi offers them fixed-term jobs with a company that requires their particular skillset. If the candidate is able to remain at a job for six months but abruptly terminated in the seventh month, Workflexi will pay the candidate one month’s basic pay to take care of their immediate financial needs.

The Benefits of a ‘Zero Bench’

Workflexi would leverage its virtual bench by connecting the companies with employees possessing the right skill set required for their projects. “The employers are able to find talent in a jiffy and the jobseekers get placed in companies that offer job security for a month before they find the next gig in case of abrupt terminations,” says Sandesh Kangod, Co-Founder & CEO, Workflexi.in.

Workflexi.in is India’s first and only platform for contract jobseekers since 2016. With over 35000 registered candidates and about 1 in 5 individuals finding a gig on the platform, Workflexi reflects the trend of today’s millennials and GenZ. The platform was incubated as a National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) 10K startup. It is based out of Domlur, Bengaluru, India.

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