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Decoding Public Speaking Series, presented by Surya Mohapatra (Lesson 4)

By   /  November 11, 2018  /  Comments Off on Decoding Public Speaking Series, presented by Surya Mohapatra (Lesson 4)

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Bangalore: This week SkillOutllook is presenting the fourth lesson of our LEARNING PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS series. This 4th video lesson in the Effective Public Speaking  series throws light on how to prepare for a great speech. This lesson explains in detail the 3 Stepas crucial to your  speech. These 3 Steps are known as *3 Ds: Discovery, Design and Dry Run* . Watch the video lesson here

SkillOutlook acknowledges Public Speaking as a critical skill for professional as well personal success. Public Speaking is a powerful tool for advancement in career. Most successful leaders are great public speakers too.

We approached well known Industry thought leader and noted speaker, Surya Prakash Mohapatra and requested him to create a series of video based lessons  on PUBLIC SPEAKING and provide our readers valuable tips and techniques on how to become a world class public speaker.

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