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Four IITs Announce PhD Admission July 2021 with Institute Fellowships ! Apply Now

By   /  March 5, 2021  /  Comments Off on Four IITs Announce PhD Admission July 2021 with Institute Fellowships ! Apply Now

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New Delhi, 05 March 2021: There are 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) in India. Amid COVID 19 pandemic, Admission process has been delayed for Academic Year 2021-22. For PhD Admission July 2021 semester, there some IITs have already announced Admission.  These premier institutes are popular destination for Doctoral Degree aspirants.

As on 05 March 2021, there are Four IITs which have already announced PhD Admission for upcoming semester. These institutes offer Institute Fellowships to Regular PhD Scholars. These Fellowships are known as Half-Time Research Assistantship (HTRA).

List of IITs which have opened PhD Admission for July 2021:

  1. IIT Madras- 30 April 2021
  2. IIT Gandhinagar- 27 March 2021
  3. IIT IIT Dharwad – 16 March 2021
  4. IIT Indore – 07 March 2021
  5. IISc Bangalore -31 March 2021

IIT Madras Announces PhD, Direct PhD & MS (by Research) Admission July 2021 with Fellowships

Chennai, 04 March 2021: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, an Institute of National Importance, has opened application window for PhD/Direct PhD/MS (by Research) Admission July 2021 Semester.  Scholars admitted to PhD and MS programmes under Regular scheme are eligible for the following Half-Time Research Assistantship (HTRA).

Fellowships: Scholars admitted to PhD and M.S. programmes under Regular scheme are eligible for the following Half-Time Research Assistantship (HTRA).  PhD Candidates will get Rs 31,000 /- Per Month while MS (By Research) candidates will get Rs 12,400 Per Month. They should work for 8 hours per week in the Departments to earn this assistantship.

Key Dates: The online application portal has opened from 01 March 2021. The last date of Receipt of Online Application is 30 April 2021.

Decoding Eligibility and Selection Procedure of IIT Gandhinagar PhD Sem I 2021-22 with Fellowships

Gandhinagar, 28 February 2021: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar, an Institute of National Importance, has announced PhD Admission for Semester I 2021-22. Regular(RR) and Continuing Doctoral Programme (CDP) are available.

In view of the current COVID 19 situation, for 2021-22 Sem I, admission will be offered based on online interviews only.

Students joining the PhD program as regulars (RR) will be considered for Institute Fellowship based on the Ministry of Education norms. Here, SkillOutlook presents Key Points of Eligibility Criteria and Selection Procedure.

IIT Dharwad Announces PhD Admission (Special Drive) with Teaching Assistantship ! Online Interview

Dharwad, Karnataka, 27 February 2021: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Dharwad, an Institute of National Importance, has announced PhD  Admission for Autumn Semester 2021-22. IIT Dharwad admits PhD candidates under the full time research scholarship or Teaching Assistantship (TA) and part-time externally sponsored research scholars.

For this semester, Admission is open for Gen (EWS), SC and ST Candidates only.

IIT Indore Announces PhD Admission June 2021 with Teaching Assistantship

Indore, 11 February 2021: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, an Institute of National Importance, has Announced PhD Admission for June 2021 Semester. Institute Fellowships are available for Regular PhD Scholars.

PhD Admission is available for the following categories:

FA (Fellowship Awardee)

TA (Teaching Assistantship)

SW (Sponsored WITHOUT Institute scholarship)

IS (Institute Staff)

DF (Defense Forces)

CT (College Teacher)

GATE is not compulsory for DF / IS / CT / SW category.

IISc Bangalore Announces Admission 2021 for UG, MTech (Res) & PhD Programmes ! Online Interview & Fellowships

Bangalore, 24 February 2021: Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, India’s top ranked Research University, has Announced Admission 2021 for UG, PG and research degree programmes.

IISC Bangalore invites applications for (1) Research Programmes [Ph D / M Tech (Research)] (2) Course Programmes [M Tech/M Des/M Mgt], (3) Integrated Ph D Programmes, and to (4) PhD under External Registration Programme.

The institute also invites applications for four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Programme.

Key Dates:

Website opens for on-line submission of applications for 22 February 2021.

Last date for online submission of applications (website closes at 23:59 hours on 31 March 2021).


Note: Candidates should refer the exact admission notification before applying PhD programmes of any universities or institutes. On the basis of information available in the public domain, SkillOutlook has published this story.

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