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How to Be Creative in Writing Essays for Business Classes

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Creativeness distinguishes a human from a machine. It is an essential trait for all the activities. Essay writing is not an exception. This post is a must if you ask yourself a question “How can I write my essays creatively?” Read about some working approaches to make your business papers exciting and innovative.

Find Good Actual Evidence

In 2019, we are sick and tired of boring “stories of success”. Lots of articles and books about business models of famous companies and successful people are published every month. Steve Jobs was a genius; nobody doubts it. Everybody knows that, and another essay about him will not impress anyone. Today, you can find many new businesses and startups to describe in your essays. Every day new ways to run a company, organize the workflow, and conduct team building appear. Try to find relevant examples for your business papers. The Internet can extend a helping hand to you.

Answer the Uncommon Questions

It is a way to raise your overall creativity. John Farndon writes in his book “Do You Still Think You’re Clever?” that corporations and universities like asking the applicants weird and uncommon questions. Such questions as “Why do people need two eyes?”, “Can a sailboat move faster than wind?”, “What will happen if you drop an ant?” are not aimed to confuse. They make us think and analyze. Get a book or read a couple of articles to train your creativity.

Make Creative Breaks

Every activity requires a break. Turn them into time for creativity if you get bored with your essay writing. Here are some tips:

  • Draw the sketches. These are pictures of a current moment. You can recall the drawings made during the courts. You do not need to know how to draw. Everybody can create simple pictures made of lines and circles. Sketches promote your memory and allow looking at the problem from the other point of view.
  • Play musical instruments. Even if you do not know how to do it, playing music lets your brain relax effectively, switch between the tasks, and adjust the proper rhythm of work.
  • Look at abstract paintings and drawings if you think you lack talent. Try to find something familiar in them. New uncommon shapes will boost your imagination.

Get Enough Experience

Business thinking is a special way of mind work. One can hardly develop this skill without training and learning. To make your business essays creative, you need to learn how successful business people think. So, you need to create a habit of reading and watching videos. There are so many books and movies about businesses and business people. You need to read and watch as much as possible.

Train your mind to be nimble. A secret of a good business, along with good essay writing, lies in an ability to adapt to and analyze new challenges. Books, movies, articles, and interviews with prosperous people are the best sources of business experience and knowledge.


It is one of the best ways to get a new idea for the business. With some imagination, you can apply it to business essay writing, as well. The essence is very simple: you sit alone or with your groupmates and start generating ideas. On the first step, accept everything that comes to your mind. On the second step, pick the best concepts.

Another good approach is to set a daily limit for ideas. For instance, promise yourself to create ten business essay topics every day. The essence of the method lies in making your brain work. We suggest you write them down. First, you will not have to memorize them all. Second, at some time, you will be surprised by mediocre and lousy initial topics.

Apply the freewriting method. Not only writers and freelancers use it. It can give you some ideas for your business essays. You need to sit down and write down everything you think about a current situation or a problem that irritates you. Do not make corrections. It is the flow of your mind, including all the “meh” ‘s and “what did I just want to say?”‘ s. Then, read everything you have written and highlight the main thoughts. You will find them easily. Recall what has inspired you during free writing. You will notice that even your handwriting is different while you write prominent things. Once you find the main thoughts, develop and complicate them. There is one more requirement. You need to perform this trick during a certain amount of time. Get yourself an alarm clock.

Admit that everything you have just read about is pretty simple. Creative business thinking is not an activity. It is a way of life. Once you develop this skill, business essays will stop being a big deal for you.

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