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IIT (ISM) Dhanbad Opens PhD Admission AY 2022-23 with Institute Fellowships

By   /  April 9, 2022  /  Comments Off on IIT (ISM) Dhanbad Opens PhD Admission AY 2022-23 with Institute Fellowships

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Dhanbad, 09 April 2022: Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, an Institute of National Importance, has released PhD Admission notification for 2022-23. IIT (ISM) Dhanbad offers phD programme is 23 departments. The PhD candidates will receive Institute Assistantship as per Ministry of HRD.

Key Dates:

Commencement of online application 07 April  2022.

 Last date for applying through online portal on 06 May  2022.

List of Departments where PhD Admission available:

  1. Applied Geology
  2. Chemical Engineering
  3. Chemistry
  4. Computer Science & Engg
  5. Civil Engineering
  6. Electronics Engg
  7. Electrical Engg.
  8. Humanities & Social Sciences – English Language/Literature
  9. Environmental Science & Engg – Environmental Science
  10. 11 Environmental Science & Engg – Environmental Science & Engg.
  11. Fuel, Mineral & Metallurgical Engg
  12. Management Studies – Industrial Engg. & Management
  13. Management Studies Management
  14. Mathematics & Computing – Mathematics
  15. Mechanical Engineering
  16. Fuel, Mineral & Metallurgical Engg
  17. Mineral Engineering
  18. Mining Machinery Engineering
  19. Mining Engineering
  20. Petroleum Engineering
  21. Physics
  22. Humanities & Social Sciences
  23. Mathematics & Computing Statistics

Eligibility Conditions:

Essential criteria for PhD in Engineering:

An applicant must have a Masters degree in Engineering in the relevant subject with first class/division or a minimum of 60% marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale),


An applicant must have a Bachelors degree in Engineering with a minimum of 70% marks/CGPA of

7.0 (on a 10 point scale),


An applicant must have a Masters’s degree in Science or an allied area with first-class/division or a

minimum of 60% marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale).

Essential criteria for PhD in Science:

An applicant must have a Masters degree in the relevant subject with first class/division or a minimum

of 60 % marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10-point scale),


An applicant must have a Bachelors degree in Engineering with a minimum of 70% marks/CGPA of

7.0 (on a 10 point scale),


An applicant must have a Masters’s degree in Science or an allied area with first-class/division or a

minimum of 60% marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale).

Essential criteria for Ph.D. in Humanities and Social Sciences

An applicant must have a Masters degree in the relevant subject, Arts, Commerce, Humanities and

Social Sciences with first class/division or a minimum of 60% marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale),


An applicant must have a Masters degree in Engineering / Technology/Science/ Commerce /

Management with first class/division or a minimum of 60 % marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale),


An applicant must have a Bachelors’s degree in Engineering with a minimum of 70% marks/CGPA of

7.0 (on a 10 point scale).

Essential criteria for PhD in Management

An applicant must have a Masters degree or equivalent in Management or allied areas or Engineering /

Technology with first class/division or a minimum of 60% marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale),


An applicant with a Bachelors degree in Engineering with a minimum of 70% marks/7.0 CGPA,


An applicant must have a Masters degree in Science/Arts/Commerce with first-class/division or a

minimum of 60% marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale),


An applicant who has qualified for CA/ICAI/ICMA/CS, with first-class/division or a minimum of 60%

marks/CGPA of 6.0 (on a 10 point scale) in Bachelors’s degree.

For further details about eligibility conditions, how to apply and other details, the candidates should refer the Admission Notification, uploaded on the official website of Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad.


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