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NIT Jaipur Opens PhD & MTech Admission July 2022 with Institute Assistantship

By   /  May 28, 2022  /  Comments Off on NIT Jaipur Opens PhD & MTech Admission July 2022 with Institute Assistantship

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Jaipur, Rajasthan, 28 May 2022: Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Jaipur, an Institute of National Importance & popularly known as NIT Jaipur, has called invited applications for PhD Programmes Odd Semester 2022-23.

The Institute may provide financial assistance to postgraduate students in the form of teaching or research assistantships (referred to as Institute Assistantship). Assistantships are awarded on a semester to semester basis for a period of up to four semesters for M.Tech./M.Plan. students and up to ten semesters for PhD students.

PhD Admission Categories:


  1. Full Time with Institute Assistantship
  2. Full Time with own scholarship

iii. Full Time Sponsored


  1. Part Time (candidate working within 70 km of Jaipur)
  2. Institute Project Staff

iii. Institute Faculty

  1. Institute Staff
  2. Executive/Professional

Key Dates:

Last Date of submission of Online Application form : 06 June 2022 (till 5.00 PM)

List of Department where PhD Admission is Open:

Architecture & Planning

 Civil Engineering

 Chemical Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering


 Electronics & Communication


 Metallurgical & Materials

Humanities and Social Sciences

 Energy & Environment

Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)


Humanities & Social Sciences,

National Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management

 Materials Research Centre

Eligibility in Brief (For Details Refer PhD Admission Brochure):

PhD in Engineering, Architecture & Planning Discipline:

The applicant must have a Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Architecture/Planning with CGPA not below 6.5 on a 10-point scale or 60% marks (Where CGPA is not awarded). In exceptional cases brilliant candidates with CGPA of more than 9 (85% marks) in Bachelors degree in Engineering/Architecture/Planning may be recommended by DPGC to SPGB for admission in Ph.D. program. Such candidates having, sufficient mission experience in the relevant area and publications in refereed conferences/journals as notified by DPGC, may also be considered.

PhD in Humanities & Social Sciences:

The applicant must have the master degree with CGPA not below 6.5 on a 10-point scale or 60% Marks (where CGPA is not awarded).

PhD in Management:

The applicant must have a two-year post-graduate degree in management /commerce/ economics/ engineering / technology with CGPA not below 6.5 on a ten-point scale or 60% marks (where CGPA is not awarded)

PhD in Sciences (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics):

The applicant must have a Master’s Degree in the relevant Science subject with CGPA not below 6.5 on a 10-point scale or 60% marks (where CGPA is not awarded).

For exact eligibility conditions, how to apply and other details, the interested candidates should refer the PhD Admission Information Brochure uploaded on the official website of MANIT Jaipur.


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