Jamshedpur, 26 May 2021: National Institute of Technology (NIT) Jamshedpur, an Institute of National Importance, has announced PhD Admission for Autumn Semester 2021-2022.
The institute offers PhD Admission on the following types:
- Institute Research Scholars (Full Time)
- Sponsored Research Scholars (Full Time)
- Self-Financed Research Scholars (Full Time)
- Self -Financed Research Scholars (Part Time)
- Faculty/Staff/Sponsored Project Fellow of N.I.T. Jamshedpur (Part Time)
Total Number of Vacant PhD Seats with Fellowships: The total number of vacant PhD Seats under Institute Research Scholars (Full Time).
List of Departments where PhD Admission available with Fellowships:
Civil Engineering- 09
Computer Applications -03
Computer Science and Engineering -04
Electrical and Electronics Engineering- 06
Manufacturing Engineering-
Mechanical Engineering- 12
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering-04
Chemistry -05
Mathematics- 06
Production and Industrial Engineering (PIE)- 06
Humanities, Social Sciences and Management- 03
Electronics and Communication Engineering-08
Qualification for Eligibility:
(a) Ph. D in Engineering:
Master Degree in relevant branch of Engineering/Technology with minimum 60% marks or equivalent CPI 6.5 OR
Bachelor’s degree in relevant branch of Engineering/Technology with minimum 80% marks or equivalent CPI 8.5
(b) Ph. D in Sciences, Computer Applications, Humanities, Social Sciences and Management:
Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with a minimum 60% marks or equivalent CPI
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology with minimum 80 % marks or equivalent CPI 8.5
Key Dates:
Last date for receipt of application forms is 21 June 2021 (Monday)
Intimation regarding interview call to be uploaded on institute website-21 June 2021 (Monday) to07 July 2021 (Wednesday).
Selection Procedure: The selection procedure for admission to PhD Programme is based on consistently good academic record, written test and interview conducted by the Department. Reservations for SC/ST/OBC/ PWD/ EWS are applicable as per GOI norms.
How to Apply: The online application form and the information brochure for admission to Ph.D. programme are available on Institute website: www.nitjsr.ac.in
Click Here for Admission Notification Link