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VIT Opens PhD Admission Dec 2020 with Fellowship @ 20K Per Month for Vellore, Chennai, AP and Bhopal campuses

By   /  November 10, 2020  /  Comments Off on VIT Opens PhD Admission Dec 2020 with Fellowship @ 20K Per Month for Vellore, Chennai, AP and Bhopal campuses

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Chennai, 10 November 2020: Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), an Institute of Eminence (IoE) under Govt of India-Private Category, has released notification for VIT Research Admission December 2020 for Admission to PhD progarmmes. VIT offers research programmes in various Schools at Vellore, Chennai Campuses and VIT-AP (Amaravati)  & VIT-Bhopal.

In VIT- Vellore and VIT- Chennai and VIT- Ameravati campuses, only Internal Full Time [IFT] category will be offered. In VIT-Bhopal campus, both Internal Full Time [IFT] and External Part Time [EPT] categories are available.

Research Fellowship Benefits: All Internal Full-Time scholars admitted into PhD programme will get a fellowship of Rs.20,000/- per month.  All Internal Full-Time scholars admitted into Integrated PhDprogramme will get a fellowship of Rs.12,000/- per month for the first two years and Rs.20,000/- per month for the next two years.

All Internal Full-Time scholars who have a valid GATE score percentile of 80 and above will get an additional fellowship of Rs.5,000/- per month.

Key Dates: The closing date for submission of online application is 16 December 2020. Last date for Uploading of Certificates (qualifying degree mark list PG for PhD and UG (BE/B.Tech) only for Integrated Ph.D.) is 16 December 2020.

Date of Online Interview at Respective Campus (tentative) on 29 December 2020 and 30 December 2020.

The application fee is Rs 1200 /-.

 List of Schools where PhD programmes available:

School of Advanced Sciences (SAS)/ / School of Sciences and Languages(SSL)

School of Bio Sciences and Technology(SBST)

School of Civil Engineering(SCE)

School of Chemical Engineering(SCHEME)

School of Computer Science and Engineering(SCOPE)

School of Electrical Engineering(SELECT)

School of Electronics Engineering(SENSE)

School of Information Tech. & Engineering(SITE)

School of Mechanical Engineering(SMEC)

School of Social Sciences & Languages(SSL)

VIT Business School(VITBS)

VIT Law School(VITSOL)

VFIT Fashion Technology(VFIT)

Note: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology are under SAS and English, Sociology, Psychology are under SSL and Both CSE and IT & Engineering are under SCOPE and Mgt. Sciences, Economics, Commerce and Accountancy are under the VITBS in Chennai Campus.

Both CSE and IT & Engineering are under SCSE and Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & English are under School of Sciences and Languages and Electronics & Electrical are under SENSE in VIT-AP and Mgt. Sciences, Economics, Anthropology/Sociology are under the VIT-AP School of Business.

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English are under SAS & Bioengineering are under SBST & SEEE (prior to ME/MTech candidates with B.E/B.Tech.(ECE) only can apply in VIT-Bhopal.

For all the Research Programmes, it is mandatory that the candidate should have studied in regular, full time and formal education in their previous degree programmes (UG and PG).

M.Sc Computer Science, M.Sc(IT) and MCA degree holders are not eligible to apply for PhD. Programme.

Selection Procedure:

PhD:  Due to COVID-19 no entrance examination for PhD Selection is based on PG mark, Statement of Research Proposal (SoP) as per the given template and interview.

Integrated PhD: Due to pandemic situation no entrance examination for Integrated PhD. Selection is based on UG (BE/BTech only)mark, Statement of Research Proposal (SoP) as per the template given in the last page and interview.

For details regarding qualifications, how to apply and other details, the candidates should refer the official website of VIT.


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