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How To Advance Your Team With Inclusive Collaboration

By   /  December 15, 2021  /  Comments Off on How To Advance Your Team With Inclusive Collaboration

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A team is an integral part of any organization, and the whole point is that every member should be working together to accomplish something. But when one person feels like they’re not included in the team, there are problems.

The best way to avoid this problem is by establishing inclusive collaboration practices early on. This means people will be more likely to feel like they belong in their workgroup or company overall, which leads to higher productivity and better quality output.

Here are nine ways a team leader can establish inclusive team collaboration within business.

Establish a Good Culture

The workplace culture is its identity, and it impacts how people interact with one another. For example, when there’s value in equality and diversity, people will be more likely to feel like they want to be part of this team or company rather than feel pushed away because the boss doesn’t respect them enough.

One person respected in an office full of people is worth more than five who are treated poorly by their superiors. People want to know they deserve to be where they are in an office, and when they don’t feel that way, they may start looking for a new job. If people are given respect, it makes them feel better about the work they’re doing, but they’ll also be more likely to want to do better.

Encourage Openness With Constructive Feedback

Fostering openness with constructive feedback allows people to learn what they’re doing right and where their weaknesses lie to correct these issues to improve productivity. If a team doesn’t allow for communication about negative things within the group, nobody will ever know how to fix these problems, and they’ll persist.

Address Problems When They Arise

If there’s a problem within the team that nobody is addressing, it will always be present. This means people will always have their guard up against one another, nervously wondering when the next argument about something silly will break out again.

This contributes to the overall culture of the entire organization, which keeps people from wanting to help or contribute if they don’t feel like they can truly open up at work.

Encourage Socialization

Encouraging socialization means giving people the opportunity to get to know one another personally. When people are just seen as coworkers, it can be challenging to establish trust and open communication. But when people have had lunch together or played games outside of work, it helps break down some of those barriers so that people feel more comfortable discussing sensitive topics with one another.

Promote Diversification

Having diverse people within a team means there are more unique perspectives and approaches to problems. However, if the group isn’t diverse, their only view will be that of the boss or manager who hired them, which can lead to a lack of creativity in finding a solution. If diverse candidates haven’t been applying for open positions, employers should take the time to consider why that is the case.

Integrate Technology to Improve Collaboration

When people have access to good technology, it helps increase collaboration between members. Using Google Docs, for example, makes it easier for everyone on a team to contribute, so the project gets done much faster because multiple brains are at work all over the world rather than just those sitting in an office together.

Encourage the Use of Prototypes and Mockups

Prototypes create excitement from those involved in getting feedback about their work. Seeing something go from a rough draft to a near-finished product is very encouraging, and it can help team members feel more invested in the project. Mockups also help people understand the bigger picture before actually starting on a project so that everyone is on the same page and there are no surprises down the road.

Set Clear Expectations

When people know what is expected of them, they’re much more likely to do it. This goes for anything from arriving to work on time to completing tasks by the deadline. Therefore, if somebody doesn’t meet their expectations, it’s essential to address this as soon as possible so that the individual knows where they stand and what they need to do to improve their productivity.

Create a Positive Atmosphere

A positive atmosphere in the office is critical for utilizing team collaboration. No one wants to work in a hostile environment where they feel like they can’t speak up or share their ideas without being ridiculed. This can be done by providing snacks, having fun team-building activities, and generally supporting everyone on the team.


With these nine tips, anyone can help their team advance productivity with inclusive collaboration. Implementing just a couple of these ideas can make a big difference in the overall atmosphere and help to create a more positive work environment. When everyone feels respected and included in the conversation, everyone wins.

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