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UGC doubles credits allotted to SWAYAM online courses, asks colleges to prepare MOOCs

By   /  August 4, 2020  /  #Top News, Digital Box, Education  /  Comments Off on UGC doubles credits allotted to SWAYAM online courses, asks colleges to prepare MOOCs

New Delhi:  The University Grants Commission, the regulator for Higher Education in India, has approved the credit limits for online courses (on SWAYAM platform) from 20% to 40%. This step which will enable students to safely attend online courses and get it utilized while attending physical classes. With growing importance of online learning and online […]

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MTech programs in IITs may be compressed to 18 months amid COVID19 pandemic

By   /  July 2, 2020  /  #Top News, Admission Alert, Education  /  Comments Off on MTech programs in IITs may be compressed to 18 months amid COVID19 pandemic

Seven PSUs notify to recruit Graduate Engineers through GATE 2021

Mumbai, 02 July 2020:  COVID 19 pandemic has prompted higher educational institutes to look to innovative and disruptive ideas in academic exams and course study.  The sub-committee of Standing Committee of IIT Council (SCIC) has recommended a list of measures for minimum common strategy to be followed by all IITs for academic activities coming semesters. […]

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