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Do My Homework Online, Can You Help Me if the Deadline Is Very Short?

By   /  May 26, 2020  /  #Alert, #Top News, Career Corner, Global News  /  Comments Off on Do My Homework Online, Can You Help Me if the Deadline Is Very Short?

Do My Homework Online, Can You Help Me if the Deadline Is Very Short?

Many university students lack good writing skills. This happens in Australia and all countries around the world. This problem can be very frustrating when students need to write an assignment. Usually, for such a task, students are given limited time to complete it. Thus, students get stressed when they see that time is running out […]

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Work from home gets a big thumps up from employees, but bosses raise concern: JobBuzz.in survey

By   /  May 19, 2016  /  #Alert, #Top News, Learning & Training, Work Culture & Life  /  Comments Off on Work from home gets a big thumps up from employees, but bosses raise concern: JobBuzz.in survey

Mumbai:  Work from home concept is gaining popularity among working professionals. On the other side, senior managers are more concerned about its benefits, reflects a new survey by JobBuzz, an employer-rating platform powered by TimesJobs.com. In a JobBuzz study, while 44% employees believe working from home improves productivity, 60% employees feel  their bosses do not […]

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