Mumbai: Edify Consultants Pvt. Ltd, a Mumbai based people development and training consulting company, has designed and developed a complete training management solution. By leveraging this platform, Learning and Development (L&D) professionals can now track and measure training effectiveness end to end.
This solution is known as NODL, an intelligent Smartphone Enabled mobile application, has some unique features such as plotting needs, accurately to scheduling learning events to measuring effectiveness. Most significant part of the service is that the tool works on a total digital platform.
The conventional broad and skewed inputs on people development plans plotted on the annual appraisal by managers are a challenge that bogged down most HR and L&D teams. With this innovative solution NODL, they can use the intelligent Smartphone Enabled mobile application that guides employees and managers to plot learning needs as and when they are observed.
This mobile application and web based tool incorporates the following training and learning practices: Guides employees to understand and plot their learning needs; leads them to the precise area of learning with reasons of how it will support them; allows L&D professionals to access detailed report by designation/levels, by program name, by department, or by any other filter.
In addition to above features, the tool has facility to record attendance and collect training feedback while employees can complete the process of Training Feedback and Action planning on their mobiles, while ‘on the go’.
In the current corporate environment, many HR and L&D practitioners are constantly trying to improve on the process of exploring employee development requirements. On the other hand, in some cases, it can become too elaborate, time consuming and rarely accurate a task.
In many cases, employees and managers are not on the same page with consultants & trainers to address job challenges and training needs. On this backdrop, the Return on Investment (RoI) on the investment of training suffers hugely.
Edify claimed that NODL has a well-structured system that manages from program event management, to participant feedback and close loops participants learning diaries online. Edify is a well-established training partner to numerous large to medium sized organizations and they participate on design & development across a broad spectrum of learning systems.