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In every three years the curricula of every programs should be reviewed: UGC

By   /  February 10, 2017  /  Comments Off on In every three years the curricula of every programs should be reviewed: UGC

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New Delhi: Much has been talked about outdated course curriculum and method of academic teaching. On this context, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has directed to all universities and affiliated colleges to take necessary steps to review and revise curricula of various programs offered by them in every three years.

In a letter address to the Vice-Chancellor’s of all universities Dt. 31 January 2017, the UGC mentioned that in a recently held meeting of the Group of Secretaries on Education and Social Development with the Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi, it was recommended that curricula of all academic departments in Universities should be reviewed and revised at least once in every three years.

This review and revision of academic course structure and curricula aims at addressing the existing skills gaps and solving mismatch between potential demand and supply of skill sets. These measures are taken to make students of the University/College employable.

The UGC said that with technological transformation and changing economic & business practices, the responsibility to address the needs created by these changes should be taken up by educational leaders, classroom teachers, academic administrators, and community leaders. The education authority outlined that the existing skill gaps among the students can be addressed by a robust mechanism to revisiting and revision of the curricula at regular interval of time.

On this backdrop, the UGC recommended that all universities and affiliate colleges give top priority to the matter and take immediate action so that the curricula of various programs offered at your university are revised and adopted for quick implementation by your University and the colleges affiliated to it.

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