New Delhi: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT) Delhi offers PhD programs in Computational Biology (CB), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE), Human Centre & Design (HCD), Mathematics (Maths), and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).
Salient Features of PhD programme:
Financial Support: Students joining the PhD programme as regular student will be considered for Institute Fellowship. Presently institute is offering fellowship at the rate of Rs.27,000/- per month in the first year and up to Rs.30,000/- after the 2nd Year.
Key Dates: The online application starts from 20 February 2019.The last date of online application is 14 March 2019. The date for Written test/ Interview is 30 March 2019.
Highlights of PhD Programmes:
» Fresh B.Tech. graduates with research aptitude are strongly encouraged to apply. GATE score is not mandatory.
» Full time PhD students are encouraged to present their research work at international conferences. Financial support of up to Rs. 2L for the entire duration of the programme is available.
» Support upto US $6000 may be considered in deserving cases to conduct research collaborations with reputed Universities/Labs abroad for a period of 3 to 6 months.
» Support upto Rs 50k is provided towards purchase of laptop/ desktop.
» The institute has more than 170 PhD scholars – Many with fellowships viz Prime Minister’s Fellowship, TCS, IBM, Intel, Cognizant & Visvesvaraya.
The institute informed that advertisement for admission in Mathematics and Social Sciences & Humanities will be announced soon or in the near future.
For eligibility criteria, how to apply and other details, candidates should visit the official website of IIITD Delhi.