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IMR Doctoral Conference for doctoral students in management discipline on 11 & 12 Jan 2017 at IIM Bangalore

By   /  January 5, 2017  /  Comments Off on IMR Doctoral Conference for doctoral students in management discipline on 11 & 12 Jan 2017 at IIM Bangalore

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Bangalore: The IMR Doctoral Students Conference provides a platform to doctoral students in management research areas based in India and overseas for showcasing paper presentations, discussions with senior academics and researchers from industry, and publication-oriented development. This year the conference received a large number of competitive submissions from doctoral students in India and overseas.

IMR Doctoral Conference (IMRDC) is scheduled to be held on 11 & 12 January 2017 at IIM Bangalore. A Faculty Review Committee has already shortlisted 12 papers for presentation and discussion at the conference. At the conference, invited faculty discussants will evaluate these selected papers and provide feedback on them. Further, the conference has made arrangement to facilitate a wider representation of the work of doctoral students through parallel fast track sessions, where 20 papers are scheduled to be presented.

The conference is packaged with various thematic knowledge sessions: a keynote session, a workshop and invited talks by noted international scholars in management research.

Another significant part of the conference is the SBI Life Keynote Lecture, which will be delivered by Professor K. Sudhir who is James L. Frank Professor of Marketing, Private Enterprise and Management and Director of the Yale China India Insights (CIIP) Program, Yale School of Management, and Editor-in-Chief, Marketing Science and is titled  ‘Academic Business Research in a Big Data World’. Professor Sudhir will also lead a workshop on ‘Managing Salesforces in CRM Settings’.

The two-day conference also features invited talks by Professor Debasis Mishra, Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, on ‘Recent Developments in Auction Design’ and by Professor Sathyajit Gubbi, Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Groningen, on ‘Academic Research: From Inspiration to Publication’.

Here it can be noted that IIMB Management Review (IMR) initiated and instituted the country’s first annual Doctoral Students Conference for Management Scholars in 2009. IMR over the last 20 years is engaged in promoting management research through its association with the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, the premier B-school of the country. The conference encourages participation from schools in India and international students in the management discipline.

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