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What you learn in school is not enough: Aamir Khan at ISB

By   /  December 26, 2016  /  Comments Off on What you learn in school is not enough: Aamir Khan at ISB

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Hyderabad:  Coming from a man whose name makes many a hearts flutter, it is a lesson that may not make teachers happy. According to Aamir Khan there is more to learn beyond the campus than just text books and lessons in the classroom.

The film actor, who was at the Indian School of Business (ISB) Hyderabad last week, engaged in a no-holds barred talk with students holding the star-struck audience in rapt attention. Flanked by the director, Nitesh Tiwari, and a few of his co-stars from the soon-to-be-released film Dangal, he held forth on a range of topics from films to lessons from sports.

“Sports is an essential element for an all-round development of a person. If given to choose between going to school and sports I will choose the latter without a hesitation. Sports teaches you numerous values without having to sit in a classroom environment,” he said, while talking about the importance of sports in crafting a well-rounded personality”, he said.

The reason why India as a country punches well below its weight in the sporting arena is because of the under emphasis on sports as a culture. No other discipline, however, teaches as much as does sports, he emphasised. Giving his own example he thanked the hours he spent on the field to teamwork, confidence, discipline and several other virtues he has acquired, which classroom education would have never taught him.

Aamir Khan had several key messages for the students. “I love my work immensely, and if you do what you love you will never be short of energy. Every film requires teamwork and while I get most of the appreciation the fact is films cannot be made without a script writer, director and the likes,” he said.

Frequently running his fingers through the rich growth of beard apparently perfecting a new look for his next project, Thugs of India, the super star animatedly and sportingly responded to the string of queries from his breathless fans that lavished uproarious applause and cheers on him throughout the dialogue.

Packing the hall to the rafters, the assembly of fans was on its feet and went delirious when he broke into a modest jig, gently swaying to the tunes of a popular number from a hit film of his.

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