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Simon Fraser University and IIT Bombay sign agreement for international student exchange program

By   /  January 20, 2017  /  Comments Off on Simon Fraser University and IIT Bombay sign agreement for international student exchange program

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Mumbai: Simon Fraser University(SFU), Canada and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) have scaled up their partnership areas as both inked a Student Mobility Agreement yesterday (19 Jan 2017) in Mumbai. The signing of this agreement is based on a Memorandum of Understanding between SFU’s Faculty of Applied Sciences and IIT Bombay and sets the framework to exchange undergraduate and graduate students on study, research and co-op placements.

As per the Student Mobility Agreemen, SFU will sponsor two graduate student assistantships per year of $18,000 each to be assigned to two IIT Bombay PhD students who complete a one-year exchange at SFU. The agreement also covers a number of collaborations between SFU and IIT Bombay.

The academic and research collaboration between the two institutions dates back to 2013. The two institutions jointly hosted the first-ever research workshop between Canada and India in clean energy technology in 2013.

In the same year, an MoU was signed with an objective to explore areas of potential collaboration in| advance science and technology areas related to clean energy, material science and engineering, computing sciences, nanotechnology, biomedical engineering and health technology and climate change.

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