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Three -Day of Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav 2016 concludes in Varanasi

By   /  December 20, 2016  /  Comments Off on Three -Day of Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav 2016 concludes in Varanasi

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New Delhi: The three-day Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav 2016 concluded in Varanasi yesterday (19 December 2016). On the third day of Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahoftsav 2016, in Varanasi, Mahila Mahahavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), had special lecture on the theme ‘Entrepreneurship and Women Upliftment’ in its workshop on ‘Yuva Mahila Rashtriya Sammelan Rashtra Nirman Evam Rachnatmak Karyakram’.

In it, many corporate companies and BHU IIT startup companies encouraged young girls for their better future and to make their own identity in the society. On this occasion, co-founder of ‘Shuru art’ Sana Saba, an alumni of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, encouraged the girls to be hardworking and skilled. The lead photographer of Rozhub Entertainment Private Limited, Kuber Patel showed a documentary on the importance of higher education. Priti Gaur and Jyoti Shrivastava from health care centre gave information regarding medicines to girls.

On the second day of the workshop, organized by the Film & Television Institute of India, Pune on Short term Acting Course and Short-Term Film Appreciation in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, BHU ‘Aparajito’ and ‘Sahib Bibi Aur Gulam’ were screened.

Shri Amit Tyagi, Dean, FTII, Pune, discussed the theme of the movie ‘Aparajito’ which is based on the story of the central character, Apu. It is a movie depicting the growth of the boy and his hardships which he faced in his life, but still he didn’t feel defeated and keep moving on in his life. On the other hand, Sahib Bibi Aur Gulam’ is based on the Bengali novel, Shaheb Bibi Golam’ by Bimal Mitra. The movie acquired the status of a cult praising the performance of Meena Kumari and Guru Dutt.  Mr Tyagi discussed the art of sculpturing the time.

Under the Short Term Acting Course, Mr Siddharth Shasta, Associate Professor, FTII, Pune, taught the students the importance of expression of feelings while acting. He told the difference between the Film Acting and Theatre Acting, which is loud in nature in comparison to the former. He detailed about the fact that how an artist can express his/her emotions, based solely on the background music i.e. without the use of any dialogue. He also introduced the students to the tools of acting viz. Body, Mind and Voice. Shri Shasta also told the students about the importance of physical fitness for the acting purpose and conducted various types of exercises also.

There is also a workshop being organized by the Children Film Society, India in association with the Ministry of Culture, Government of India and BHU in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. On 19 December 2016, at the Sanskriti Mahotsav the workshop was based on the Making of Animation Films. Here the subject expert Shri Surya Kiran told the participating students about the 12 important principles of animation movies. Based on this information, he also showed “Good Morning Mumbai” which is 2D animation movie and discussed about the visual effects.

‘Gaura’ and animated movie ‘Goopi Gawaiye Bajgha Bajaiya’ screened by Children’s Film Society in K N Uduppa Auditorium entertained the audience. Classical orchestra by Mr Narendra Mishra on ‘Muktakashi Manch’ of Swatantra Bhawan energized all. Puppet play ‘Ma Jagat Janani Kandoi’ of Chaitanya Behara in Arts Auditorium of BHU added new resourcefulness to this cultural fest.

Eminent play of Shekhar Sen ‘Vivekanand’was staged in Swatantra Bhawan, BHU at the Sanskriti Mahotsav. While Channu Lal Mishra’s classical performance at Omkarnath Thakur Auditorium took the festival to new heights. Santoor artist Pt. Bhajanand Rustum Sopori bedazzled the audience. Another star performance of the day was Sonal Mansingh’s Kathak performance.

One more attraction of the day was ‘Rashtriya Kavi Sammelan’ at Swatantra Bhawan. Ashok Chakradhar, Gopaldas Neeraj, Wasim Barelvi, Alok Srivastav, Anjum Rahbar, Gajendra Solanki, Shiv Kumar Vyas, Kamlesh Maurya “Mridu”, Chandrashekhar Goswami, Anil Chaubey, Vishnu Saxena, Vinit Chauhan, Sarvesh Asthana and Saand Banarsi versified their respective poems.


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