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UGC Pay revision panel for academic staff of Universities and Colleges invites suggestions from all stake holders including general public

By   /  July 21, 2016  /  Comments Off on UGC Pay revision panel for academic staff of Universities and Colleges invites suggestions from all stake holders including general public

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New Delhi: The University Grant Commission (UGC) in consultation with Ministry of Human Resource Development has already set up the Pay Review Committee to examine the various aspects of pay revision of academic staff of Universities and Colleges. The pay review panel while examining the present structure of emoluments and service conditions would also review the implementation of the earlier decision. Among others, the Pay Review Committee is also going to make recommendations on ways and means of improving the overall quality of teaching and learning and research and innovation in institutions of higher learning.

The pay revision panel has invited the views / suggestions from all stakeholders including teachers, librarians, physical education personnel, eminent educationists and public at large on all the 6 ToRs (Term of References) of the committee. The notification says that the pay panel will consider views, which may guide them for making appropriate recommendations to the Government of lndia.

The notification issued by the UGC says that all interested parties should send their views/suggestions

(in not more than 150 words) for each ToR in the prescribed format latest by 30 September 2016 to Joint Secretary (Pay Scale), UGC, Room No. 219, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 1 10 002.

The format is available on the URL: www.ugc.ac.in/PRCFeedback.aspx

Further, the notification informed that the views / suggestions can also be submitted online through the above URL for placing the same before the Committee for their consideration.

The six  ToRs (Term of References) of the pay revision panel are given below in a brief manner:

To review the implementation status of the previous decision of the Government/UGC under the scheme of Revision of Pay Scales approved for University and College Teachers, Librarians, Physical Education Personnel and other academic staff in Universities and Colleges.

To examine and review the present structure of emoluments and conditions of service of University and College Teachers, Librarians, Physical Education Personnel and other academic staff in Universities and Colleges and to suggest revision in the structure, taking into account the minimum qualifications, career advancement opportunities, and total packet of benefits available to them (such as superannuation benefits, medical, housing facilities, etc.).

To make recommendations on various ways for attracting and nurturing talents in the teaching profession, as well as for furtherance of research in the University System to boost the quality of higher education.

To make recommendations on the ways and means for the furtherance and improvement in the quality of research in the university system as well as ways to encourage engagement with industry for their research requirements.

To make recommendations on improving quality of teaching and encouraging/incentivizing the use of Information Technology in teaching.

To look into the cases of anomalies, if any, in the matter of pay structure and/or career advancement opportunities for any categories of academic staff, consequent on revision of pay scales based on the recommendations of the preceding Pay Review Committee and to suggest remedial measures.

To read our previous story on the pay revision panel set up by UGC, one can go the following link:

UGC constitutes a Pay Review Committee to look into pay revision of academic staff of Universities and colleges

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