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7 Expert Tips To Use Images In Your Blog Posts

By   /  June 24, 2021  /  Comments Off on 7 Expert Tips To Use Images In Your Blog Posts

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Using images in your blog posts is very important and this is because of many reasons. Today people have a very short attention span which is why you need to put all your efforts in order to attract and engage them with your blog posts. Adding images to your blog can make it visually attractive which is considered to be very important for its success. There are plenty of more reasons as for why your blog needs an image but in this article, we are not only going to get into the reasons, rather we are going to tell you all about the expert practices and tips that you need to know for adding great images in your blog post.

Tips to Use Images in Your Blog Posts

Here are some of the common and the most important practices that you need to consider while using images in your blogs:

  • Always use clear images 

Whenever you are using images on your blog you have to ensure that they are of good quality. If the quality of the images is not clear then it is going to increase the bounce rate of your blog site. Low-quality images on a blog site would give a bad impression and a reader would also consider the text to be of low quality without even reading it. So we would always recommend you ensure that you are using clear and high-resolution images on your site. Finding high-quality and clear images has become easy now with modern photo search utilities.

  • Find legal and unique images

Duplicating images used by other blogs isn’t going to do you any good. This is why you need to focus on getting legal/royalty-free images for your blog site. The best practice is to create unique images by yourself but if you don’t know how to design an image or are short on time then make sure you can use a picture finder in this regard. The image lookup utility can help you find unique and legal images for your site on the basis of keywords or relevant images. Finding usable images has become very easy today and this is all thanks to modern-day reverse image search techniques and tools.

  • Images should be relevant to your blog content 

A very important thing that you need to consider when using images in your blog is relevancy. If the image is not relevant to the text on the site then it is going to look spammy. If you don’t want to ruin the credibility of your site then you should always ensure that you are getting relevant and well-aligned images for the text you have created.  Making a keyword search with reverse image search tools can get you the most relevant image ideas in no time.

  • Break text in blogs with images

Another important tip that you need to practice while using images in your blog is that you need to break the text into different sections with the image. Writing passages that are over five or six lines in length can simply piss off the reader and make your post look uninteresting. You can make the blog post attractive by dividing it with the help of relevant images that also explain the textual information. You can easily find relevant images to your text with the help of the image lookup technique.                                                                

  • Shrink the size of big images

Larger-sized images can increase the loading speed of your site which is not good for search engine optimization. This is why you have to ensure that you shrink the size of images and optimize them according to the guidelines of the search engine. You can either find visually similar lower-sized images with the help of reverse image search or you can also use the online image compressor tools for shrinking and optimizing big images for your blog site.

  • Try to include pictures of people 

You would be surprised to know that pictures of people are 60 times more engaging than any other image content. As humans, we are simply drawn to other people and so adding images having faces on them is going to attract a reader and engage them with your content. You can find these kinds of images on the web for free. You just need to search a particular image with the right photo search platform and you can get hundreds of free and relevant image ideas in no time.      

  • Always add captions with the image

Adding captions for the images is important because these captions can help the readers as well as the search engine understand what the image is all about and also its connection with the text. An important tip cum practice would be to add keywords in the caption of the images. This would make it more crawlable by the search engine. 


In this article, we have learned about the most helpful practices for using images in blog posts. By following these practices you can easily increase the engagement rate and the ranking position of your blog site in a very short amount of time.

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