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How to Use Social Media for Effective Kick Marketing

By   /  May 29, 2024  /  Digital Box, Global News  /  Comments Off on How to Use Social Media for Effective Kick Marketing

In today’s digital landscape, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to amplify their marketing efforts. Kick marketing, a strategy focused on creating high-energy, impactful campaigns that rapidly increase brand visibility, can be particularly effective when leveraged through social media platforms. Here’s how you can use social media for effective kick marketing: […]

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Social Commerce: Platforms, Benefits, and How to Use It

By   /  May 25, 2024  /  Digital Box, Global News  /  Comments Off on Social Commerce: Platforms, Benefits, and How to Use It

What is social commerce? Social commerce is the buying and selling of goods or services directly within a social media platform. It represents a departure from traditional online retail by allowing users to complete their entire purchase journey without leaving their preferred social media apps. This approach offers a streamlined experience that encourages consumers to […]

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How to Become an Expert Social Media Marketer?

By   /  April 18, 2022  /  #Top News, Career Corner, Digital Box  /  Comments Off on How to Become an Expert Social Media Marketer?

Social media marketing has transformed the way businesses and brands interact with their customers. No longer is it enough to target an audience with a great product or service. Businesses must have a presence on the most popular social media sites, and they must be visible, active, and engaging to thrive. This blog is intended […]

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How Do Students Benefit From Using Instagram?

By   /  January 7, 2022  /  #Top News, Digital Box  /  Comments Off on How Do Students Benefit From Using Instagram?

Thanks to the rise of social networking sites, students aren’t left behind in adopting social media platforms to supplement their education. Instagram is a great digital media website for publishing videos and photographs shared on various social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. As instructors and learners utilise social media for beneficial reasons, it is […]

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7 Expert Tips To Use Images In Your Blog Posts

By   /  June 24, 2021  /  Digital Box, Learning & Training  /  Comments Off on 7 Expert Tips To Use Images In Your Blog Posts

Using images in your blog posts is very important and this is because of many reasons. Today people have a very short attention span which is why you need to put all your efforts in order to attract and engage them with your blog posts. Adding images to your blog can make it visually attractive […]

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Impact of Technology on Your Social Media

By   /  May 28, 2021  /  #Top News, Digital Box, Learning & Training  /  Comments Off on Impact of Technology on Your Social Media

Our day-to-day life keeps on transforming with the advent of innovations in technologies. It is well known that today social platforms have become an integral part of people’s lives. People are spending considerable time on social media every day. The landscape of these platforms also transforms with the incorporation of new technologies. Moreover, it has […]

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What Is Color Theory And How Can It Help You Up You Marketing Game

By   /  August 11, 2020  /  #Top News, Career Corner, Digital Box  /  Comments Off on What Is Color Theory And How Can It Help You Up You Marketing Game

Have you heard of the saying, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’? Similarly, the color tends to convey more than what is written on a page of simple text. Color is one of the main parts of your strategy that can make or break your marketing campaign. Before we get into how color can […]

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