IPCA Centre for Waste Management and Research, TERI SAS, in collaboration with India Development Service (IDS), USA, organised an international conference on ‘Solid Waste Management for Good Health and Wellbeing’ on 1st March 2024. Several experts from medical services, NGOs, urban local bodies, and recyclers participated in the event. While delivering the keynote address, Deputy WHO Representative to India Ms Payden emphasised that “health sector alone cannot address the issues faced by communities associated with waste management sector, inter and intra-sectoral collaborations is the key and the involvement of people and communities stands important”.
Prof Arun Kansal, Vice Chancellor, TERI SAS, emphasised the need to synchronise the aims of waste management, pollution control, and a healthy, sustainable, and thriving community. Focusing on waste management for health in many ways leads to the definition of purpose for engineers. Health brings in a critical human element to waste management schemes, which is as crucial as trucks and infrastructure. Dr Prasad from the University of Colorado presented a case study mapping health care along solid waste supply chains. Dr Venkatesh from Karlstad University, Sweden, presented his extensive research on ragpickers in India.
Participants organised themselves to deliberate on community health and waste management, New imperatives for waste management policies and regulations, Fiscal measures, and stakeholder roles.
Mr Ashish Jain, Founder Director of IPCA, thanked participants and summarised the need for an integrated community-based approach through effective intersectoral coordination where waste management for health leads to the definition of purpose for Engineers in municipal bodies.