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What are the scoring subjects in GATE CE Exam?

By   /  August 6, 2018  /  Comments Off on What are the scoring subjects in GATE CE Exam?

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A proper understanding of the important topics and scoring subjects of the GATE Civil Engineering exam is very important in order to score better and achieve a good GATE rank. So, keeping this in mind, here are the important subjects, which you must focus on more in order to get a good score in the GATE Civil Engineering Exam.

Important & Scoring Subjects of GATE CE Exam!

If you have to score a great rank in GATE, you cannot miss any topic, though the IITs while setting up the question paper have some favourites. Some of the scoring subjects that carry more marks in GATE exam are mentioned below and you need to lay special emphasis on these subjects in order to achieve a good score and rank in the GATE Civil Engineering Exam:

  1. Engineering Mathematics (12-14 marks)

Differential Equations and Matrices are the most important and are generally asked every

year. Probability distribution and Numerical Methods should also be covered.

  1. Geotechnical Engineering (14-15 marks)

Very important for scoring great rank in Gate. Some of the important topics from GATE point of view are Properties of soil, Effective stress concept, Consolidation, Shear Strength and Foundations (both Shallow and Deep).

  1. Environmental Engineering (8-10 marks)

It has a huge syllabus and should be studied with proper planning. Timely revision is very important as you keep forgetting the concepts. Some of the favourite topics are BOD, COD, Hardness, Sedimentation tanks, Water treatment and Sewage treatment.

  1. Strength of Materials (7-8 marks)

Favourite topics for Gate are Principal Stress and Strain, Deflection of beams, Torsion of shafts and Euler’s critical load concept. This subject forms the base for Structural Analysis and Steel structures.

  1. Transportation Engineering (7-8 marks)

Geometric design of highways and Traffic engineering are most important. You have to just remember the formulas and this subject becomes a cup of cake for you. A question from Airport or Railway Engineering can also be expected.

  1. Survey (5-7 marks)

Important topics include Traverse Surveying, Levelling and Photogrammetry. It is also a scoring subject and not much concepts involved.

  1. Fluid Mechanics, Machinery and Open Channel Flow (8-10 marks)

Combined together they form a huge syllabus with some scoring topics like kinematics, dynamics, hydrostatic forces, flow through pipes, dimensional analysis in fluid mechanics

Impact of jets, specific speed of pumps and turbines in Fluid Machinery

Specific Energy, Critical depth and Types of channel slope in Open Channel Flow.

  1. RCC and Prestressed Concrete (5-6 marks)

Its weightage has been increased in recent years but some of the questions can be calculative. Shear, Spacing of stirrups, T-beams, Columns, Extreme stresses and losses in Prestressed Concrete are generally asked in GATE.

  1. General Aptitude (15 marks)

Last but not the least, General Aptitude has a huge weightage in GATE and the questions are relatively easy. Not much preparation is required and you can easily score atleast 10 marks. Just you have to be careful in reading the options.

Apart from these, subjects like Hydrology and Irrigation, Structural Analysis, Design of Steel Structures, Mechanics and Construction Planning and Project Management also constitute the GATE syllabus and should never be skipped. These subjects would provide you an extra edge over other students. Generally many students skip the Structures and Steel portion due to scarcity of time. This should be avoided if you have to secure a decent rank.

Download GATE preparation app to get previous year question papers, practice set, free notes & mock test, & daily updated study plan.

Keep yourself motivated and always let that fire of achieving success keep burning inside you.

About the Author: This article is contributed by Gradeup, one of India’s biggest online community for students preparing for various competitive exams.

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