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I’m a Nurse and Need a Change: What Can I Do?

By   /  February 25, 2021  /  Comments Off on I’m a Nurse and Need a Change: What Can I Do?

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Medical personnel and nurses have finally been getting the societal credit that they are due since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. However, these accolades do little to compensate for the long hours, tired feet, and elevated stress levels. While you may enter into a career nursing for altruistic reasons, it can be incredibly trying to take care of people every waking moment. Nurses often think of others at the expense of their own mental and physical health and have little time for self-care.

Burnout is all too real in nursing. You have spent a long time getting to your current position in your career, and the thought of starting over or taking a lower salary probably doesn’t seem appealing. However, what if we were to show you that you can use your nursing expertise and pivot your career path? Nursing is a great degree, as it will open doors into numerous and varied opportunities all over the globe and in your own city.

You’ve picked a profession that has scope for both horizontal career change and upward mobility. Here are our suggestions for how to start the process of pivoting your career as a nurse and find a thriving new career.

Make a pros and cons list

Being aware of your need to make a change in your life for your own well-being is a significant accomplishment in itself. Pull up your scrubs, as now is the time to be proactive and realize that you can still make significant impacts on the world using your education and experience, but just in a different realm.

Take some time to think about what you love about your job and what you don’t. This can include dealing with people, the long hours, medical specialties, or your city. Brainstorm, get it down on paper, and be honest and thorough. Include your soft skills, like a love for travel or extreme organizational skills, as these will all assist with fine-tuning your decision.

Career counseling

After the expenses of post-secondary education and the present responsibilities of everyday life, it can be challenging to have a constructive conversation with parents, friends, or even your partner. Assistance from a professional career counselor has been scientifically proven to support the well-being of nurses. They can offer non-judgmental advice on using your gathered education, experience, and motivation to funnel this into a new direction.

You might find that patient care isn’t for you and would prefer to work towards a leadership role with a postgraduate online nursing degree. Others may find that amended working hours or a change in specialty was needed to regain focus.

As a nurse, you don’t need to limit yourself to a hospital setting. Nurses are needed at camps, on cruise ships, and at schools. As we age, our motivations and aspirations often change as well, so don’t be surprised if you amend your career alongside other major milestones like having a child or buying a home. Whether you would prefer to amend your role to a non-clinical position or work daily in a tropical paradise, nursing is a degree that can get you there.

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