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A National webinar on Curriculum Reforms & National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and Pedagogy held under Shikshak Parv initiative

By   /  September 25, 2020  /  Comments Off on A National webinar on Curriculum Reforms & National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and Pedagogy held under Shikshak Parv initiative

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A webinar on Curriculum Reforms & National Curriculum Framework (NCF) and Pedagogy was organized on 23.9.2020under Shikshak Parv initiative to highlight the salient features of the New Education Policy (NEP 2020). Shikshak Parv is being celebrated from 8th September- 25th September, 2020 to felicitate the Teachers and to take New Education Policy 2020 forward. The targeted beneficiary group for this session were: Pre-school & Lower Primary Teachers, Heads of Schools, Parents, All States/UTs Education Department.

Experts who participated in this session were:

  1. Prof. Hrushikesh Senapati, Director, NCERT
  2. Prof. Ranjana Arora, Head, Department of Teacher Education, NCERT (Cordinator)
  3. Prof. Anjum Sibia, Department of Teacher Education, NCERT
  4. Shri Selvamuthukumaran Rajkumar, Teacher, Indira Gandhi Government High School, Puducherry and a National Teacher Awardee

Prof. Hrushikesh Senapati, Director NCERT shared his views on the shifts in curriculum and pedagogy as per the perspective of NEP-2020. Salient points from his deliberation included:

  1. New textbooks that will be developed will take into account constitutional values, local flavours and traditions of the region. This will help prepare our children for global citizenship.
  2. Pedagogy has to be integrated with assessment. This has been recommended in NEP 2020. The policy mentioned holistic development and 360-degree progress assessment of students. For this to take place new and innovative pedagogies will have to be adopted. This in turn needs to be reflected in the textbooks.
  3. Competency based textbooks are required to develop competencies and life skills in the students. Keeping in mind that each child is unique the textbooks should be designed. However, this poses a big challenge. In order to ensure all round development of each child, textbooks must be flexible with psychological and social emotional consideration for children.
  4. NCF will develop 4 types of interrelated Curriculum. The goal is to create a curriculum framework that helps produce independent thinkers. Independent learners will become self-sufficient. Thus, NEP is a step in the direction of “AtmanirbharBharat”.


Shri S Rajkumarshared the curriculum and pedagogical reforms undertaken in his school. Important points of his presentation are as follows –

  1. He has tried to incorporate the guiding principles of NCF 2005 in his teaching style – connecting knowledge outside to school learning, enriching curriculum beyond textbooks and ensuring shift from rote memorization to critical thinking.
  2. Science Research Projects – Introduced research methodology for Class 8 and 9 students wherein they frame a hypothesis, investigate, record and analyze data and eventually come up with solutions. Examples of such science projects undertaken in his school include Holistic study on a local pond, Study on Open Defecation habit and Study on Irrigation canals of the village.
  3. Research Projects should be undertaken to inculcate scientific temper which would encourage analytical, logical and critical thinking. He recommended doing one research project a year in action mode, so that students live with the problem and understand it better. This helps them acquire problem-solving abilities and life skills. For instance, his students participated in a Water Audit, checking leakages and creating awareness. They took the action of replacing old leaks and minimising water wastage.

Prof. Anjum Sibiacovered the significant recommendations in NEP 2020 with respect to each stage and experiential learning process in school education. She started by quoting a line from NEP-2020, which describes its vision- “Pedagogy must evolve to make education more experiential, holistic, integrated, inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centered, discussion-based, flexible, enjoyable”

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