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Qin1 students win the Scratch Code Challenge 2020

By   /  July 23, 2020  /  Comments Off on Qin1 students win the Scratch Code Challenge 2020

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New Delhi : With the help of Qin1, Mohammad, a 9-year old young talent has won the Scratch Code Challenge 2020, a coding competition on the MIT developed free coding platform- ‘Scratch’. The competition is for the age groups between the grades K-3, 4-5, 6-8, and grades 9-12 with the aim to create a game, movie, or presentation on the topic of their choice. Entries are scored on creativity, aesthetics, comprehensibility, complexity, and functionality. This development marks a new chapter in the life of young Mohammad, as kids as young as his age can now see coding as a definitive career option. Qin1 is an Edutech platform enhancing the learning experience for kids and takes pride to make the most of every opportunity to support their growth journey.

The Qin1 programs are personalized to cater to the needs and interests of the learners. The CodeQ programs empower and encourage learners to find their creative expression and to develop logical thinking and IQ subsequently. Qin1 offers progressive online courses for learning – from beginner to intermediate, advanced and professional level. The team for this ed-tech startup business includes experienced individuals from top institutions such as IIT, ISB, FMS, and top startups such as Ola, Lenskart, and their likes.

Speaking on the achievement, Poonam, Coding Instructor at Qin1 said, “Mohammad’s learning curve has been growing in a linear fashion from the very beginning. He is a curious and disciplined learner and has been interactive and responsive in class. He is always ready for a challenge, which is what leads him to develop logical ideas related to game development. He is great at problem detection and eagerly proposes innovative solutions. It’s his interest, aptitude, and dedication towards learning coding that has won him the Scratch Code Challenge 2020.”

Currently, due to the extended vacations in the event of the Covid-19 lockdown, the Qin1 team is hosting internal competitions to channelize the energy of kids in the right direction. Their curriculum ensures that children hone their coding skills and continue to participate in competitions. In the facilitation of the winners, Aarti, the Director of Qin1, said, “We want kids at Qin1 to always feel excited about their newly learned skill. Hence, our team keeps a track of all global competitions and helps our kids prepare and excel which not only keeps them engaged in class but outside it as well.”

According to the findings of the World Economic Forum, 65% of children in their primary school today will end up with jobs that do not even exist yet. Any job that doesn’t require creation will be automated using Artificial Intelligence. The mission of Qin1 is to empower children to be creators with the help of coding. Qin1 believes that learning to build apps and games are not the only reason children need to be prodded to learn computer programming.

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